
"Why not Archery? You're good at that!" Tensei pointed out.

"I know. But I feel like trying something new this year." Naoki said.

"Fair enough." Tensei nodded.

"Yo angel-babe! What sports are you doing?" Hyde bounced over. Illido followed.

"Badminton. What's it to you?" Tensei snapped. Suddenly getting a bad feeling.

"Then I will sign up for that too!" And Hyde bounced away towards the sign up forms.

"Oh no you don't!" Tensei exclaimed and followed him, leaving Naoki alone with Illido.

"And they are as lively as ever." Naomi sighed.

"True. So what sports are you doing?" Illido asked while munching on some potato chips.

"Horseriding. You?" Naoki asked, returning the question.

"They are forcing me to do soccer." Illido complained.

"What would you rather be doing?" Naoki asked in curiosity.


"Same." Naoki smiled. Then Hyde and Tensei came back bickering. Obviously Tensei hadn't been able to stop the other from signing up to badminton. To be honest, in his opinion, Hyde and Tensei actually looked kinda cute together. However his thoughts were interrupted by the pain in his chest. He ended up collapsing.

Tensei had spotted his friend falling and rushed forward to catch him. "Courtney. I'm taking Naoki to the nurses office." And with that he scooped his friend up into his arms and left.

"What happened?" Illido asked.

"He has always had a weak health. He collapses all the time." Courtney Summers, the classes president told them.

'Maybe I'll visit him and see how he is!' Illido thought to himself as he waited for the bell to go.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Up in 3-a.

Jasmine bounced over with papers in her arms. "So what sports do you wanna do?"

Mitaka picked up the fencing sign up sheet. "I'll take fencing."

"I'll do gymnastics!" Aurora exclaimed.

"I might as well do gymnastics as well." Tsuki picked up the sign up sheet.

Jasmine turned to the others. "How about you guys?"

"Basketball!" Freya smiled.

"Fencing." Jeje mumbled.

"What a pain... Hockey." Kuro sighed. He had been forced into this, but that didn't mean he had to enjoy it though.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Mitsuro's class had their free period so they had all split off. Sada had marched over to the archery ring in a bad mood. Maya had walked off saying he had some things to do. Tsubaki had followed Sada for some reason. And as for Ryan and Kyle they vanished the moment the bell rang.

Mitsuro reached the stables. This was some of this favourite places in the school. He walked over to his favourite horse. The familiar white head poked over the door of her stable. Mitsuro smiled. "Hey, Ghost."

Ghost is a 155cm tall, Arabian breed. Her coat is white and her mane is light grey. She is a well-tempered horse. Who only behaves well for Mitsuro for some reason.

Mitsuro unbolted the stable door, clicked the lead onto her halter and lead her out. Using a small stool he hooked on her saddle and climbed on. Holding the reins tightly, he urged Ghost into a walk. He guided her into the horse track. And stopped at the starting point. He was surprised to see Naoki also on the horse track with a horse. "Hey! Naoki!"

Would you hate us if you knew. Part two: The presentWhere stories live. Discover now