Morning messy

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Tammy and Kim went into Rose and Kylie's new room the next morning to wake them up. Rose and Kylie slept fairly well last night, but now felt a mix of a nasty smell and a squishy sensation. Their moms smell them and conclude that both girls have pooped themselves!

"Let's get these yucky diapers changed," Tammy said. "Upsy daisy girls," Kim said, as both moms lifted each of their own daughters out of their cribs and on their respective change tables. They undid the buttons on the onesies, and the messy diapers were revealed. The moms grabbed wipes and undid the tapes, and pulled the diapers back. The moms had no idea what the girls had eaten last night, but they didn't get any dinner as a punishment, which left the only source of poop to be the ice cream from the ice cream shop. As their moms were wiping them, Rose said with a very suck-up voice, "Mommy, can we please have our old lives back?"

"No, Rose," Tammy said. "You and Kylie are staying in diapers and living like babies until the end of the school year, and you are grounded for 2 months. One week for leaving the house without my permission, another 3 weeks for blackmailing Lisa, and another month for charging over $2000 on my credit card for you and Kylie to have a good time at the god flippin mall. While you guys are living like babies, you're also gonna be doing chores and jobs around the neighborhood to make that money back. And you'll be doing them in diapers, under my and Kim's supervision. And if either of you complain about it, you guys will be overgrown babies even longer." And Kim said to Kylie, "Kylie, the same goes for you too."

By this point, Rose and Kylie were already clean and their mommies were powdering them and were taping their new diaper on, and after giving them their diaper changes, their moms took them into the bathroom to give them each a bath. After their baths, the moms gave Rose and Kylie some clothes to wear for the day. Tammy grabbed Rose a pink princess shirt with some blue jean overalls. Kim grabbed Kylie a white unicorn shirt with a puffy pink skirt.



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Once Rose and Kylie were ready for the day, their moms went to a mini fridge in the corner of the room, and pulled out the girl's breakfast: Applesauce and a banana each

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Once Rose and Kylie were ready for the day, their moms went to a mini fridge in the corner of the room, and pulled out the girl's breakfast: Applesauce and a banana each. The moms told the girls to get in their high chair, so they obeyed. Then, they closed the chair trays, opened the applesauce, grabbed some spoons, and started spoonfeeding their daughters. Rose and Kylie ate it without problems, as they didn't want to be in diapers any longer than they had to.

After breakfast, the girls were taken downstairs, where they were told to get ready for school. It was only 6:30 am, but Tammy and Kim had informed the school the night before about the girls' punishment, and they were told to come in that morning early for a meeting about how their new schedules at school would be set up. Rose and Kylie brushed their teeth, checked their school bags, and they got in the car, with Tammy in the drivers seat, Kim in the passenger seat next to her, Kylie in the backseat on the far left, with Rose next to her, and Lisa next to Rose. First, Lisa got dropped off at the middle school, and Tammy drove another couple miles to the high school. They got there, Rose and Kylie grabbed their bags, and went with their moms to the front door. Tammy pushed the buzzer, and it buzzed, meaning the door was unlocked. Kim opened it, and the four of them went inside, and went straight to the office. 

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