My first day

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Sam just graduated Hogwart's and unsure of what to do. I should probably look into jobs, hopefully there's one the pays well enough for me to rent a place to stay.

Sam looked around cluelessly, when she spot a newspaper. She pick it up, and flip towards the back.

Help wanted: housekeeper needed; Malfoy Manor.

Malfoy......Sam pondered unsure where she heard that name. Wouldn't hurt to check this out.

Sam looked around, wondering if anyone knew where this Manor is located. She spotted a tall man with long, straight, white hair. She briskly walked towards him, which was difficult because he was walking fast, as if he was walking with a purpose.

"Excuse me!" Sam called out, her hand outstretched about to tap on his shoulder. "Pardon me!" She said trying to get his attention.

The tall man turned around instantly, grabbing her wrist, looked her angrily in the eyes and said, "Stop shouting! What could you possibly want?" He gently threw her arm down, and fixed his suit. "My apologies, I don't care for loud noises, unless necessary. What is it that you need." He asked with urgency.

"Um....I just wanted to see if you knew where Malfoy Manor is." Sam sheepishly said, showing him the ad in the newspaper.

"I see," he said, fixing his hair, "I believe that I do know where that is. Follow me." He said with a smirk, using two fingers gesturing her follow.

They reached the grand house, Sam's mouth agape, taking in the beauty of it all, eyes sparkling in amazement.

The man noticing her in awe, and couldn't help smiling too, abruptly said "Well here we."

Returning to reality, Sam replied, "Thank you so much. I couldn't find this place without you, Mr.?" Sam paused, waiting for him to finish.

"Mr. Malfoy. Lucius......Malfoy." He proudly exclaimed, reaching out his hand.

Shook that she didn't realize sooner, she took his hand and started shaking it out of embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, I didn't real-"

"It's quite alright." Lucius chuckled. "It's not everyday I run into someone who doesn't immediately recognize me. It's quite refreshing."

Letting go of his hand, Sam looked away, blushing in embarrassment.

"Who might you be?" Lucius inquired.

Looking back at him, she cleared her throat and said, "I'm Samantha. Samantha Fontaine. My friends call me Sam."

"Well, seeing as we aren't friends yet, I would prefer to say Samantha." Lucius said, peering down at her, offering her a soft smile. "Shall we enter?" Lucius asked, holding the door open for her.

"I suppose so." Sam entered, ignoring his gentle bit intimidating eyes. 

Lucius walking around Sam, called out, "Narcissa, I'm home." He took of his jacket, looked at Sam, "And we have a guest."

A beautiful woman rounded the corner, looking at the guest then at Lucius, "Who is this?" She asked.

Sam perked up, "I'm Sam Fontaine. I'm here for the housekeeping job." She pointed towards the ad.

Lucius chimed in, "She couldn't find her way here, so I showed her the way." He wrapped his arm around the woman's waist, the other caressing her face.

She leaned into his hand, let out a deep sigh and whispered, "I believe you." She looked up at him, "I believe you." she said again this time sounding like she was trying to convince herself.

She removed herself from Lucius's embrace, faced Sam and informed her, "I'm Narcissa Malfoy. Follow me." She beckoned Sam to do as she said. "I put out that ad because I find myself busy these days, and I simply don't have the time to maintain this house."

"So what do you need me to do?" Sam asked, trying to keep up with Narcissa.

Narcissa led Sam around, showing her all the bedrooms, the ball room, kitchen, all the bathrooms, and then she finally stopped in front of one of the spare rooms. "You'll be staying in here. Every day I'll need you cleaning. Monday focus on the bedrooms. Tuesday the bathrooms. Wednesday and Thursday the living room, kitchen, and pantry. Friday the hallways and foyer. Saturday and Sunday you'll be shopping, stocking up on items that we may be short on. When you are finished cleaning and shopping, you'll be free to do as you please. Just don't go into the the master suite or our son's room, unless it's to clean. That's the only exception. Any questions?" She asked.

"I think I got it." Sam replied, going over the schedule in her head, trying to reinforce it into her memory.

"Alright then," Narcissa sighed, getting out a few keys. "This one is for your room, this is for the main entrance, and this if for the side entrance that leads into the kitchen." She said handing them over.

"Thank you so much. Is there anything else I should know?" Sam asked, peering at the keys, noting that they were different colors. Main door was a pale yellow, side door dark green, and the bedroom was a sapphire blue.

"Now that you've reminded me, your payment. You'll be paid biweekly, and we'll take a cut out for living expenses. But we'll reimburse you for groceries and what not." Narcissa answered back. "You'll start tomorrow, so for now you can settle in. I've put outfits in your dresser, a few of which are what is expected you to wear while working. The rest is for you to wear during special events. Understood?"

"Understood." Sam said, grateful she got the job, but wondered why she got it so easily.

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