Chapter 5

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|| new info! Matt and Ariana start dating, and Chris is still upset ||

I love you Matt! I say. I love you too Ariana. Matt says. Want to go to the store? OF COURSE! I say.
*in the car*
I'm getting a call from Chris.. I say.
Let me answer it. Matt says. Hello? Oh. Hi Matt. Chris says. Why are you calling Ariana? Matt says. Because I wanted to talk to her. Chris says. Well what do you need? Shes busy and I'll tell her for you. Matt says. Busy doing what? Chris asks. None of you're business, what do you need, and I'll pass it on. Matt says. Never mind. I'll just talk to her later. Chris says. Whatever Matt says.
*call ends*
Okay, ready to go in? Matt says. Yeah. I say.
*after shopping*
Okay you get in the car, I'll put the stuff in the car. Matt says. I can help too! I say. You can if you want.. orrr you can wait in the car, and we can get Starbucks in the way back. Matt says. Okay fine. I say.
*at Arianas house*
*incoming call*
It's Chris again.. I say. Let me see. Matt says. Hello?? Matt says. Can you stop being so overprotective? I just want to talk to Ariana you can't just keep her locked away in a castle her whole life like rapunzle. And, she's not only YOURES she's a human being as well and she has the right to talk to people to. Chris says. I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU CHRIS! Matt's not overprotective, his completely fine, and I talk to who I want to, in this case it's not you. And don't even ask why because the reason is quite simple, it's because you're the most self centered person I've ever met, you don't understand after 2 whole month that I don't like you back and I wanted to keep our friendship just a friendship, but you couldn't except that so instead you try to take out you're anger out on Matt even though it's not his fault. You can seem to get it threw you're head that at the end of the day, I don't like you back. There's so many girl and you seem to just to latch on to me for some reason! You have so many fan girls and other girls in general who would leave you for there boyfriend in a heartbeat, so why, why are you not getting it threw you're head that I don't want you Chris! I love Matt and it will stay that way. I say. I LOVE YOU AND ONLY YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME! I love you're smile, you're laugh, the way you always make the best in the worst situations, I just love you in general Ariana! And I'm not attached to you, I just can't get over the fact that you left me for someone who hated you in the beginning! Chris says. Chris, I don't care what you have to say at this point, I was completely willing to stay friends with you, but I would've been with Matt either way. But you couldn't except the fact that I liked Matt, and not you so you just stayed in the state of denial until you had enough courage to call me again. And Chris, last time you and me talked one on one we both said some pretty messed up stuff, but I saw a side of you I never wanted to Chris. Eavesdropping on my conversation with Matt? That's childish. And I'm sorry to say this but, you have to except that I'm with Matt, and that I love him.
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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