Chapter 2

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Stepping through the door, Kida founds herself back at Termina. Looking around, Daisy and Clarabelle couldn't be found. She calls out to them to only hear silence. Jiminy was gone too. The man shows up again.

???: The world you see isn't real. It was handcrafted by the dice from your memories.
Kida: My memories? If that's true, shouldn't my friends be here?
???: I can't answer that for you. All I can tell you is they they are at the mercy of the game. Master this game, and your friends strength will be yours.

The man teaches Kida how to play his game, using the dice and other pieces to her advantage. After the demonstration, Kida's friends came rushing up to her.

Kida: Daisy! Clarabelle! Are you guys ok? Where were you?
Daisy: We just got here. There was a light that blinded us when you opened the door.
Vampire Teddy: That doesn't help.

Kida finally noticed something else. Daisy was in her mage outfit and Clarabelle was in her captain uniform.

Kida: Holy crap! Did you guys change before coming here?
Daisy: We should be asking you that question.

Kida looks to see her outfit has been changed as well. Instead of her pink dress and yellow shoes, she was wearing a blue dress and pink sandals. It was the same outfit she wore when she got taken from her island. Kida turns to the man.

Kida: Is this part of your game?
???: That's for me to know. Master the game and make your way through the castle. But you'll be alone from here on.
Clarabelle: We can't let her go alone! What if she gets hurt?
Kida: I'll be fine. I found you guys the first time on my own.

Kida turns to the man.

Kida: I'll play your game.
???: The rest of Castle Oblivion awaits, Your Majesty. Continue, and you'll find someone dear to you.

The man leaves, laying down more questions than answers.

Vampire Teddy: Your Majesty?
Kida: I don't know why he said that, but it might have just been a trick. I'll be ready for even more he decides to throw at me. This game he's playing shouldn't be too hard. I just gotta make it to that door, and I'll find you guys and get us and our friends out.

With a heavy heart, Daisy and Clarabelle let down their guard. The three hug, leaving the embrace after a moment.

Daisy: Be careful now.
Clarabelle: We'll see you soon, hun.
Kida: Thanks guys.

Kida rushes to the door. Kida decides to take a rest. She has been in a few fights in the castle, and it was grueling.

Kida: Fighting alone is harder than I thought.

Daisy and Clarabelle appeared beside Kida, startling her.

Kida: Don't do that! Don't pop out of nowhere like that!
Daisy: Don't blame us! We don't know what's going on anymore than we do.

Jiminy jumps down from Daisy's shoulder.

Jiminy: We gotta remember, girls. We're in Castle Oblivion. There's no telling what's in here. Let's try not to loose our heads so soon.
Kida: Jiminy's right. Let's just keep moving. We'll get somewhere eventually.

The group hear a flapping of wings. Turning, they see a large bird creature.

???: You better be careful, or the Heartless will get you.
Kida: Raroh! What are you doing in Castle Oblivion?!
Raroh: What do you mean? This is Termina. And how would you know my name? Who are you? We've never met.
Kida: We fought Heartless together! Don't you remember?
Raroh: Sorry, but I don't even know your names.
Kida: How can you have forgotten? We are friends.
Raroh: It happens. Don't take it too personally, Kida.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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