Alternate Ending: Nightfall 71

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Was it just now? Did those feelings only just develop? Was it maybe just gratefulness for the paintings making her imagine feelings that weren't really there?

But no. As she thought about it, she realized how it had been there, under the surface, for a long time.

He'd never said anything to her about it, and he'd teased her relentlessly ever since they'd met.

He even admitted to flirting with everyone else around Biana so she would get the message that he didn't have those kinds of feelings for her.

But he still flirted with Sophie.

If he'd known about her feelings, he would've stopped flirting with her right?


And a tiny bit of hope flared to life.

"I think maybe we should talk," a quiet voice said in her ear.

She jumped, startled. Somehow Keefe had managed to inch his way closer.

The way her heart started pounding—both from his proximity and his words—was really embarrassing.

But also really telling.

This definitely wasn't just misplaced gratitude.

Sophie felt her cheeks flood with color—making Keefe smirk at her—and she nodded at him. "Stay behind when everyone leaves?" She asked him quietly.

He nodded. Then, winking at her, he started making pointed comments about how they were all imposing on Grady and Edaline's hospitality and that maybe they should go their separate ways and reconvene when they had more news.

So in a matter of minutes, everyone had left.

Grady was glaring pointedly at Keefe, who hadn't left.

Keefe pretended not to notice and said "come on, Foster, I'll tell you all about how I made those paintings."

And then he took her by the arm and dragged her outside.

As soon as they stepped outside, though, Keefe let go of Sophie's arm. She stole a glance at him as they wandered slowly towards the Panakes.

He looked...nervous.

And Sophie was way too scared to bring it up.

But Keefe wasn't talking.

So Sophie took a deep breath and simply said, "thank you again for those paintings. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you made those for me. I'm so glad to know you're painting again."

"Consider them both a gift and a peace offering," Keefe told her softly. "An apology after my sparring match with Dimitar."

"So, wanted to talk?" Sophie reached out and tugged out an itchy eyelash.

They had reached the Panakes tree. Sophie stopped walking, and Keefe stood very close in front of her.

"Yeah. I was just feeling some pretty intense mood shifts from you after I gave you the paintings, and...I thought we should talk about them."

He looked uncomfortable, anxious.

Sophie felt like her heart dropped into her stomach. He must be trying to figure out how to reject her as kindly as possible. He was going to tell her that she was important to him, but she'd gotten the wrong end of the stick and he wanted to draw that line now.

"You don't have to say anything," Sophie said, blushing and fighting tears. "Really, it's okay."

"No," Keefe replied, looking at her curiously. "No, because if I really did read your emotions correctly, then...then my dream has come true and neither of us has to feel embarrassed or anxious. And if I didn't, then things can continue on just like they did before, and you, at least, still don't have to feel embarrassed, and I'll know where I stand."

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