Secret Relationships

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"First of all, fuck you," she says in response of getting her ingredients stolen. "And second of all, you definitely are thinking of someone. Is it Potter?" She asks, knowing fully well Draco is jealous of him.

Draco continues mixing but throws an unimpressed look at her. "No, I'm not talking about Harry," he looks back down at his potion. Pansy smirks and looks across the room to Harry and Ron.

"You're calling him by his first name now?" She teases, smirking.

Draco's cheeks heat up, "shove off Pansy. It's none of your business."

She gasps excitedly, "did something finally happen between you two?!" She asks rather loudly, causing some people to turn their heads.

"Shh! No! Nothing happened!" He whisper yells at her, trying to get her to stop prying.

"Shame. It's about time you two get together," Pansy let's out a sigh and restarts her potion since Draco took all her ingredients.

Draco looks away from Pansy, looking over at Harry's table, to see him looking back. Harry smiles at him before turning back to Ron. Draco feels his chest warm up and he smiles.


The day went by painfully slow but now Draco can sit down and enjoy supper. He sits with Blaise and Pansy, listening to them talk about people they hate. Draco sits there, bored. Wondering what Harry is up too, he looks over at his boyfriend.

Draco's eyes widen suddenly.

"Yeah, I really enjoy it here. Everyone in Hufflepuff is delightful to be around! Actually, everyone is pretty nice, besides those Slytherin's," Cedric says while glancing over at all the students in green.

Harry smiles, "trust me, I know." The two share a laugh.

Cedric is sat at the Gryffindor table, yet nobody says a word. To everyone else, he's perfect. Ron sits across from him, making googly eyes while Hermione smiles. He glances over at the Slytherin table before looking back at Harry.

He quickly does a double take as he realizes Malfoy is glaring intensely at Potter. "Jeez, why is Malfoy looking at you like that?" Cedric asks. He hasn't been in Hogwarts for long and he's already caught up on the Harry Vs Draco drama.

Harry looks over to see his boyfriend staring daggers at him. Harry's cheeks go red when we realizes Draco is jealous. "Nothing, just ignore him," he waves his hand dismissively, making Cedric drop the topic, but in reality Harry is waving Draco off.

He watches as Draco looks away, glaring and picking at his food. Harry just looks back at Cedric and continues with the conversation.

It's not long till Cedric feels eyes glued to the back of his skull. He turns and sees Draco again. "Seriously, what is his problem?" Cedric asks, not being able to shake Draco off.

"Nothing, he just hates me and probably hates you too," Harry lies. He hates having to pretend they hate each other, but he knows it's for the best.

Cedric watches as Blaise tugs on Draco's arm, causing his attention to go somewhere else.

"Draco, what if your problem? You've been glaring at them all dinner," Blaise asks, not understanding why Harry and Cedric are so interesting.

"Look at him, talking to Potter," Draco scowls. "What's he even doing? Sitting at the Gryffindor table. He was put in Hufflepuff for a reason," Draco says grumpily, allowing his eyes to shift back to Harry and Cedric.

"So what, they're just talking. Besides, you know Draco, rumour has it that Diggory is going to ask out Potter," Pansy says with a smirk.

Draco didn't think he could grow angrier. Pansy and Blaise watch as his face shifts, never seeing him so mad before.

"Excuse me?!" He nearly yells at her.

Both Harry and Cedric whip their heads around to see what all the commotion is about. Getting a bad feeling, Harry tries to get Cedric to leave the table.

"Maybe you should just go back to your table. Malfoy looks like he's going to eat us alive," Harry suggests, putting the blame on Draco so he himself doesn't make it seem like he wants Cedric to leave.

"No, it's fine. Let him act childish," he looks over to see Draco again, who looks like he's going to snap any second. Cedric looks back at Harry.

"Please Cedric, you're a pleasure to talk too but I don't want- oh no," Harry watches as Draco stands up and starts storming over to them. "Cedric, please, just leave, we'll have lunch tomorrow I promise, but this is just going to get worse," Harry begs while gently shoving Cedric to the side.

Before Cedric can even reply, Malfoy has arrived.

"Potter, we need to talk," Draco crosses his arms over his chest, waiting for Harry's response.

Harry starts nodding his head and getting up. Cedric grabs his wrist and gently pulls him down, glaring daggers at Malfoy. "Harry and I are trying to have lunch together," Cedric thinks he's standing up for Harry but in reality he's digging a deeper hole.

"Really Cedric, it's okay, we can have lunch another day," Harry tries to make sure his tone isn't too pushy. He likes having Cedric as a friend.

"No, I'm sick and tired of everyone letting Malfoy get away with everything," Cedric stands up, challenging Malfoy.

"He doesn't even like you!" Draco hisses out at him while uncrossing his arms.

"Oh yeah? I didn't want to do this in front of everyone but I guess I have too," Cedric turns to Harry, looking down at him, determined to prove Draco wrong. "Would you like to go on a date with me Harry?" A hush falls over the room and everyone's attention falls onto the three.

Harry's jaw drops and others gasp.

"You want to tell him Harry?" Draco asks while gesturing to the Hufflepuff.

Cedric turns to look at Draco, confused by what he said. Harry closes his mouth and blush spreads across his cheeks.

"Tell me what?" Cedric asks.

"Harry's already dating someone," Draco breaks the news to him. Cedric's face drops quickly and he tries to think of who Harry could be dating.


"Me!" Draco shouts. Gasps and murmurs fill the room. Hermione and Ron give Harry a surprised look while Blaise and Pansy high five each other.

"He's dating me! And I'm tired of watching you flirt with him! Now come on Harry, we need to talk," Draco extends his hand for his boyfriend. Cedric stands there, too stunned to speak.

Harry grabs Draco's hand and mouths I'm so sorry, before giving him a sympathetic smile. Draco helps Harry up and holds onto his hand tightly.

They walk through the Great Hall together, hand in hand. Harry covers his mouth, hiding his smile and blush. He can't believe Draco just told everyone they're dating.

They exit the Great Hall and wander a bit before Draco pulls him aside and presses his lips to Harry's. They share a deep kiss before pulling away and making eye contact.

"Merlin Harry, were you trying to make me jealous?" Draco asks sarcastically while smirking. Harry gives him a shy smile before pressing his lips back to Draco's.

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