"Jealous, Malfoy?"

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"There, now follow the instructions properly. I just saved you two a bad mark," Draco directs himself to Ron, not daring to speak badly to Potter.

He turns on his heel and walks back to Pansy, who's already finished the potion. She leans her elbow on the table and rests her head on her palm.

"You have some serious issues, you know that?"

"Shove off."


"Then he comes up to us, in the bloody middle of class and embarrasses me!" Ron whines out as he tells Hermione about their potions class.

"He didn't dare scold Harry though, it's so unfair! It's like he's jealous or something. I don't know why he has it out to get me," Ron whines like a child and places his hand on his chest before sighing.

"Malfoy's just a snobby, narcissistic- brat! Oh how I'd like too-" Ron goes on, but Hermione and Harry's attention turn towards the familiar blonde standing right behind Ron.

Draco's arms are crossed, Blaise and Pansy on either side of him, as if they're some shitty gang.

"What? What are you guys looking at?" Before Ron turns around, it hits him why his friends are so quiet.

"He's standing right behind me, isn't he?" Ron asks while sighing. The two nod their heads slowly. Ron turns around to see a very unimpressed Malfoy.

"No, go on Weasley. I want to hear what you'd do," Draco uncrosses his arms and clenches his fingers into a fist, glaring at Weasley.

The gingers eyebrows furrow together as he grows angry. He's tired of Malfoy always pushing him around. He's supposed to hate Harry the most! Not him! Draco and Harry have been enemies for years and suddenly he can't say anything bad about him!

You're a Gryffindor Ron, don't be afraid, he thinks to himself. He can't keep letting Malfoy push him around.

Ron stands up tall, returning Draco's glare.

"I was going to say how I'd like to punch you in the mouth! You've been annoying me for the past month and ignoring Harry! What did I do?!" Ron raises his voice at Malfoy, tired of dealing with all his bullshit. "It's bloody ridiculous!"

"I haven't been ignoring Potter! He's still a git!" Draco ignores the first part and focuses on what Ron said about Harry.

Pansy smirks next to him, "mhmm." She hums sarcastically, holding back a laugh.

Ron notices and realizes he may have the upper hand here. Now it's his turn to cross his arms over his chest and smirk.

"Are you... jealous, Malfoy?" Ron questions with a teasing smirk that soon turns into a toothy smile.

Draco's scowl fades as he looks fearful with blush on his cheeks. "Nonsense! I don't care who stupid Potter hangs out with!" Draco lies defensively. Both Pansy and Blaise erupt with giggles and they both try to silence themselves.

"I mean, you are pretty obsessed with him," Blaise comments.

"Shut it! I want nothing to do with Potter!" Draco hisses out.

Harry himself just sits there blushing madly, listening to them all make fun of Draco. He wonders if it's true, if he is jealous. Harry's well aware Draco's always wanted to secretly be his friend, there's no doubt about that. He's holding onto a grudge and won't ever let go. But Malfoy having feelings? Obsessing over Harry? That's news to him.

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