Chapter 37: World's Collide (Part 02)

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The werewolf jumped out of the smoke, wrapped her legs around Selene's waist and had her claws at Selene's throat ready to slit her throat. Selene fell back and the two of them rolled down a hill into a thorn bush. Selene got up only to be punched in the face by the werewolf. She grabbed Selene's blonde hair and threw her across the forest. Selene rolled to her feet and charged at the wolf. The wolf jumped and hit her with a powerful clothesline to the throat flooring Selene with one hit.

"That's for fucking with my boyfriend." The werewolf stood over Selene as she fought to get back on her feet. "If I find out, you killed him, trust me bitch, it's going to get a lot worse. So, do yourself a favor, and stay the fuck down." The werewolf began walking away from Selene as she kept trying to get up. "What the fuck did I say," A fireball formed on the werewolf's fist. She threw the fireball at Selene. She rolled out of the way and got back on her feet.

"I don't know," Selene smirked. "I'm not a very good listener." The werewolf threw another fireball at her. Selene ran and slid underneath it. She rose up in front of the wolf, knocked her arm aside, and stuck her in the stomach with her knee. She kept punching the wolf, she dodged Selene's fist and punched her. Selene caught her fist. The wolf created a fireball on her other fist. Before she could punch her. Selene kicked her back. The wolf tripped and fell into the stream. The moment she crashed into the water. Steam came out of the water, as the fire in her hand was extinguished. She kept trying to get back on her feet. "So, that's how your ability works, it feeds off your body temperature. Our tactician had informed us there were werewolves capable of using the elements. He wasn't sure how their abilities work. I guess now we know, though I'm assuming it's different for every werewolf. No matter," She picked up the glass vial of her blood that was on the ground. "At least, we won't have to worry about you." She opened the vial and poured her blood in the water. The water began to mix with her blood. The wolf tried to get out of the water before she could. Selene snapped her fingers blowing up the entire stream.

The smoke cleared only to be replaced by a golden aura. This aura covered the werewolf's body and it was healing her. She was unconscious but she was healing herself. "How is that possible? No healer can do that. Not even my sister was that good. This wolf, she has to die." Selene tried to get near her but the golden aura spread. When it did, it burned her hand. She couldn't get near her. The closer she got the more dangerous the heat was. She had used up her last vial so killing her at a range wasn't an option. She had to leave before this wolf woke up. At this rate, she'd be fully healed in seconds.

Selene walked further into the forest. She stopped after her eyes met with some tents. There were five of them to be exact. They were all placed near the cabin. There was a dark red tent placed closest to the cabin. Most likely belonging to their Beta. To the left were two blue tents. A dark blue tent was placed across from them. There was an orange tent placed closest to the bushes. "So this must be the place, I actually found it, the Nightshade campsite." She smirked. "Scythe's been looking for years and I managed to find it on my first try. Perhaps, he's not as good at his job as everyone thinks. Now that I'm here I might as well take a look around." She walked into one of the blue tents. On the floor, there were clothes scattered everywhere. She picked up a dirty pair of the wolf's boxers.

"Disgusting," Selene dropped the boxers back on the floor. "He might be worse than Brandon. At least Brandon knows better than to leave his dirty underwear on the floor." She picked up an empty bag of chips. "I guess it's true werewolves do live like animals." She glanced over at the bed sheets. There was something hanging out, like the edge of a magazine. She grabbed it and opened seeing naked pictures of women out on display. "Dirty mags," She closed the magazine and threw it aside. "Just when I thought it couldn't get any-." She saw a picture sticking out from beneath his pillow.

Fallen MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora