Chapter Seven: Solus Tuur Ca'nara

Start from the beginning

"Of course you did."

Nya shakes her head, and within a few moments, The Cuyan comes out of hyperspace. The iced over world of Khorm sits in space below them as Nya gives her orders. Then the Jedi and the clone troopers head to their respective hangars. The battle is about to begin.

Once the cruisers are in the atmosphere, the Jedi and clone troopers board the LAAT/is and the tanks and fly down to the freezing planet. It's a firefight from the very beginning. The Khormai people have been enslaved to Count Dooku, and so fight against the Republic. And they are being aided by the Separatist droids led by Ventress.

Nya, Anakin, Rex, and Wolffe land on the surface in a tank and begin their march. The Separatists seem bound and determined to keep them from getting anywhere near the cities. As well as the leader of the Khormai, Unger Gout, who is the one who enslaved his people.

The battle begins harshly. Both sides clash together in the din of blaster fire and the sound of blaster fire on lightsabers. To the clones, the sound of a lightsaber igniting is a comforting sound. To most, it might be a sign of violence and a sound that inspired fear, but to them, it was a sign that their friends has their backs and it was a sound of hope. Well, to be more accurate, the Jedi have the clones' fronts as the good generals and commanders don't fight from the back.

The battle that day is long and hard, but there is no sign yet of Ventress. So the clones and their Jedi make camp. And Sinker and Boost self appoint themselves as Nya's personal heaters. Which irritates the woman to no end.

The battles over Khorm continue to rage. And finally, Asajj Ventress has made herself known as the Republic forces close in on the capitol city. Nya and Anakin are the first to see her, as she jumps down from the wall of the city to the ground. Anakin rushes to engage the Dark Side assassin, while Nya continues to fight with the 501st and the Wolfpack.

Tuning out Anakin's battle, Nya is oblivious to the state of the duel with Ventress, until a cry of pain reaches her ears. But it isn't Anakin's voice that cries out. It is instead, one that she is innately familiar with, as the owner of this voice is the man that holds her heart, and whose heart she holds as well. This voice belongs to Commander Wolffe.

Nya immediately turns, and she sees Wolffe on the ground, his hand over his eye.

"Sinker, Boost!"

The two Wolfpack clones stop fighting and run to their Jedi commander.

"Get Wolffe away from the battlefield. I'll handle Ventress since she apparently bested Anakin."

"Sir, yes, sir!"

Sinker, Boost, and Nya run over to where Wolffe is. The two clones take their commander by the arms, and begin to take him to the baar'urs. And Nya faces off against Ventress.

The two regard each other for a few moments. Sizing up their opponent. Nya knows that Ventress is a formidable duelist. Ruthless, vicious, confident, and not afraid to take risks. The Dathomirian is also extremely agile, and well versed in using the Dark Side of the Force. All of those skills combined make her a formidable opponent, not one to be taken lightly.

And similarly, Ventress knows that Nya is a Mandalorian. A race of people famed for their skills in combat. And while never having personally engaged the Mandalorian girl, Ventress has seen her fight. And she holds true all the rumors of Mandalorians Ventress has ever heard. Tenacious, decisive, creative, and confident, with all of the skills needed to back everything up.

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