"Very funny, Jackson. I probably look a mess..." She sighed out with a small smirk before she pushed her silverware down in her plate, her eyes wandering all through the mans house just like before, "Where's your bathroom?"

He didn't know why but he felt something pang against his heart. He hoped that she wasn't planning on going to the bathroom so she could figure out a way to leave him even though in reality she just wanted to use the bathroom like any normal person that'd just woken up, "Ummm... Why..?"

"Because I need to use it...? Plus, I look kind of bad, so... I just wanted to wash this makeup off my face." The ginger only paused once again, a look of skepticism washing over his adorable features as he tried to take in anything off about her body language, "Don't I look like I've been crying for hours..?"

Snapping out of any bad thoughts he started to have about his and Y/Ns little thing they had going on, that's when Jackson shook his head with a soft smile that was returned by the older woman, "Well... I guess you're right... When you're back, you'll finish your food though right..?"

"Of course! Your food is amazing...! Didn't know you could cook like this, Jackson.." she ended her sentence with a flirty little tone in the back of her throat, watching the little dust of red that started to appear across his cheeks as he smiled to himself.

He didn't say anything else, all he did was glance down at his food, quietly losing his appetite since the celebrity wasn't there to eat with him at that very second. He always knew that he was head over heels for the girl, but for her to have control over him eating was actually crazy to him, yet he still didn't have any voice in his head telling him that there was something off about himself.

He heard the sound of his bathroom door closing, and that only made him smile harder. He was sure that the woman was just going to head out and never let him see her face ever again, so the fact that she was still there with him made him feel a little better about himself.

As he was beginning to let his mind wander off to different things about the future, the sound of his phone ringing went through his ears, causing a low groan to sleep past his mouth before he shot his eyes up to his device that laid at the edge of his bed. Reaching his hand out for it, that's when he snatched the phone that had a loud ringing sound and looked down to see who it was that was calling him.

"Oh..." He mumbled to himself before he pressed on the green little icon, pushing it up to his ear while he cleared his throat, waiting for the person on the other end to speak up first.

"Hello, Jackson..! How are you doing in your new home??" His mother questioned him with her own little smile on her lips, except his had just disappeared once the sound of the ringing made contact with his ears. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone but Y/N, and that said alot about who he was.

Awkwardly pursing his lips while he looked off to the side, hoping that the older girl wouldn't walk in on him on the phone with his mother he just sighed out and decided to respond, "It's fine. Really... Empty.. I need to get some shit for it soon, so yeah.."

"Oh really? Did you see that table I sent you a photo of last night?? I feel like that would look perfect in your house..!" She chirped out to the man on the phone, ignoring the sound of his annoyed voice.

He was so glad that he was able to roll his beautiful eyes without her knowing, so that's exactly what he did, making sure that it was heavy too since he was just that irritated by her call, "No, mom... I didn't see the picture, I was a little... Busy.. anyway, let me go see what you're talking-"

"What were you doing last night? You only just got inside of your home and you're already causing ruckus?" His mother laughed at him, already knowing that he was straining his eyes on the other side of the device while she was having so much fun teasing her son.

"No... I was just.. I was just-" the sound of the faucet running and the door swinging open was heard by both the ginger and his mother, but he still didn't hang up on her. The only thing he did was pushed the phone down, making sure that the speaker was down to his thigh, "Oh! H-Hey...!"

Immediately taking note of his odd behavior, Y/N looked the boy up and down with a soft laughter of her own, causing the red haired teen to smile a little because he already grown to love that sound much more in person, "Hi..?"

"I was wondering where you went, you were taking so long!!" He was all jittery, but she just found that so adorable. The way he looked up at her with parted lips and those beautiful shining eyes that were darting everywhere around.

"Well, I was wiping off the makeup, so..!" She sat herself back down next to Jackson, adoring the fact that he'd gotten even more nervous to be next to her. She loved that he wasn't like any of her other fans even though there could've been someone out there that was just like him, "Why..? Did you wanna take it off for me...?"

All of those nerves from a second ago were quickly fading, and there was almost a snicker heard from Jackson as he bit down on his lip, loving the slight flirt she threw his way, "I mean... If you would've offered me to, I know I would've been down..."

"Oh yeah...?" She was so clearly teasing him just like the night before, except he wasn't all that eager for her to fuck him just like before.

He felt his boxers getting so much more tighter with every second that went past the both of them, and that only made his hear pump even faster all because of her, "Yes...!"

She moved closer to the man with her hand pushing out against his bare chest, a little bit of his goosebumps popping as he let his breaths become heavy once again, "You know... I like seeing you in nothing but your boxers... You look really cute, and.. I can actually see you more clearly since it was so dark last night..."

Blue eyes bulging out of his eye sockets while his cheeks turned even darker while Y/N pushed her face up to his, her cheek gently brushing up against his as she began to raise her arms around his shoulders, there was yet another snicker that was heard from Jackson, "Oh really..? I thought that-"

"What the...?! Is that.. Y/N?!!" The sound of his device boomed through his home, even causing the celebrity to pull back at the mention of herself before her jaw dropped once again. She knew that she would've regretted this in the worst way possible even though she wasn't sure of what was happening just yet.

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