The Eclipse Is Your Impending Doom

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Two amber eyes opened up. It was night.

A distant light flickered a long, long, long distance away. The thunder was barely audible.

It's weird. She's been having trouble to sleep these past few weeks. And from the looks of it, the others do aswell. Po once started sleeping mid-training.

It hasn't gotten so bad that they can't sleep at all, it's just that they.. for some reason lose a few hours of sleep every night. Shifu even lets them sleep for longer now because he, too, has trouble sleeping.

Tigress could no longer sleep. She rose up from her bed and walked to her window.

She slid the paper-window to the right, opening it, and inhaled deeply.
She looked at the clouds. They were unusually bright, this time of the night. *Exhale*

She looked down to the palace building. Shifu could be seen taking a small walk along the stoned floor surrounding the palace. He seems to be having trouble sleeping now aswell.

She closed her window. She walked over to the opposite side of the room and opened the door into the hall. A couple steps forward and she was in Po's room.


Of course, he, out of anyone, slept like a baby. But maybe not for long.

She closed his door and walked further down the hall as quietly as possible.

No snores or anything could be heard. Except for those cute little ones Po are doing at the moment. She sighs and walks back into her room to lay down onto her bed.

She closes her eyes.


'What was that?' Tigress thought.
She opened her eyes and looked to her right at the door. She sighed. It was just Po. He fell onto the floor.

She rose up and walked over to the door, sliding it to the side and at last, walking over to Po's room. She opened his door and looked at him.
"You alright?" She asked.

Po could be seen holding his head in pain.
"Yeah." He groaned. "I'm fine."

"You don't seem like it."

Po groaned again. "I, had a nightmare." He said. "And when I woke up I fell off the bed."

Tigress looked at her panda.
That was no ordinary nightmare if it somehow causes him to fall off the bed. Po's bed becomes a literal pit when he lays onto it due to his immense weight, so falling off of it is next to impossible.

She looked into the hall, watching if anyone's there. Upon finishing her inspection, she closes his door behind her and walks in. She kneels down beside him and lifts him onto the bed.

"Did you hit your head?" She asked, with a hint of worry in her voice.

Po nodded.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little."

She wraps one arm around him.
"It's okay. It will be over by morning."

"I hope so." He replied and looked at her.

"May I ask, what happened?" She asked curiously.

"In my nightmare?"
She nodded.

"Well, something happened to the moon. I saw some scary guys who said some crazy words and afterwards the moon turned red."

Kung Fu Panda 5: EclipseWhere stories live. Discover now