vi. Pathetic

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"Hey, Princess, how's it going?" Your father asked. He had just called you from work to check on you.

"It's good, dad," you answered.

"How are my girl's grades, hm?" He asked.

"They're good too," you sighed. Cillian was in bed next to you, rubbing your back as you talked.

"Is something wrong?" Your father asked. "You don't sound too happy."

"I'm happy, it's just, I'm stressed, that's all."

"Why's that?" He asked. "Stressed in the Y/L/N family? Never!"

You forced a laugh. "Just school, you know."

"Well I have a meeting now, text me honey, I love you!" Your father hung up and you dropped your phone on the bed.

Cillian sat up behind you and massaged your shoulders. "He makes you nervous, doesn't he?" He asked, reaching for your hairbrush.

"Kinda," you sighed as Cillian began running the brush gently through your hair.

"Fuck, what time is it?" Cillian put the brush down and checked his watch. "Fuck, fuck," he muttered, urgently getting up and throwing on his clothes.

"Cill?" You stood up and helped him get his suit on. "How late are you?"

"20 minutes, fuck." Cillian brushed his hair back and quickly grabbed his duffel bag. "I'll see you later," he said, and with that, he was gone.

You stared at the door he had just left. Not even a kiss or a hug?


Later that night, Cillian came back. You were on the couch with Scarlet, talking. "Hey Y/N, and Scarlet.." Cillian looked at the two of you and set his bag down, hurrying to change out of his clothes. He'd brought a fresh outfit with him.

"Dinner's on the counter," Scarlet called out to him. "God, sharing dinner with Mr. Murphy feels so weird."

You nodded slowly, staring at the TV.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Scarlet asked. "Did you two get in an argument?"

"He just does this stupid annoying thing where he leaves without saying a word," you explained. "It hurts my feelings."

"So you two are a thing," Scarlet giggled. "You're so lucky. He's like, such a dilf."

"Scarlet, shut up," you pretended to gag. Cillian came back in with a plate of pasta in his hands. He stared at the both of you, who were taking up the entire couch.

You sighed and moved over for him, and he sat down between you both. "Nice seeing you here, Mr. Murphy," Scarlet exclaimed. "Now, since you're living with us and we pay rent can you bump my grade up too?"

You nudged Scarlet and Cillian laughed. "I'll think about it," he responded, before he turned to look at you. "What did you do while I was gone?" He asked.

"I stared at the ceiling," you answered monotonously, not looking him in the eye.

"Look at me," he whispered. "What's wrong, Lolita?" You finally looked into his eyes and sighed.

"You just leave a lot." You put your hand on his chest. "You don't say a word, you just leave and come back like everything's fine. You don't know how much it affects me," you explained.

Cillian tilted his head. "I didn't realise," he said softly.

"Are you two gonna start kissing in front of me?" Scarlet interrupted. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Maybe," you whispered, smirking cheekily at Scarlet.


"Oh, fuck!" You cried, hearing the bed creak beneath your bodies. Cillian's moans mixed with yours was a perfect melody.

That was until his phone rang. "Shit," he whispered, pulling his phone out from the bedside table. He answered and covered his hand over your mouth, continuing to thrust slowly into you. "Hello, this is Cillian Murphy..... Yes, I see.."

You were a mess beneath him, muffling your whimpers and moans into his hand. He smiled down at you, talking casually on the phone with the person.

You felt yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm. You dug your nails into his back, to which Cillian hissed and leaned his head into your neck. He dropped his hand that was holding the phone and groaned in pleasure as the call went on.

"Cillian?" You'd heard a woman's voice on the other line. "Cillian, for God's sake.."

"Who's that?" You whispered, whimpering into his ear.

"Wife," Cillian managed to get out between breaths and moans. You grabbed his phone and started moaning louder, pulling at his hair.

"Cillian, fuck me!" You cried, before his wife finally hung up. You giggled and pushed him off of you.

"Y/N, what the hell?" Cillian sat up and brushed his hair back. "I was going to—"

You tossed his phone to him and leaned down into his ear before whispering "How dare you answer that woman's call while you make love to me."

You walked (or limped, rather) out of the room, leaving Cillian behind just like how he'd do to you.

"Fuck," he mumbled under his breath. "Y/N, darling, you know things between me and her—"

"Bullshit," you said, grabbing Cillian's duffel bag from the living room and emptying it on the floor. "You don't love her anymore? What's this?" She held up his wallet that contained a picture of him, his wife and his kids. "What the fuck is this then, enlighten me!" You threw a hair tie from his bag at him.

"These are my fucking kids, Y/N," Cillian held up the picture from his wallet.

"Then go home to them, for fucks sake. Be the father they're supposed to have." You grabbed your shorts and pulled them on, tossing Cillian's shirt and pants at him.

"This is my home," he whispered.

"No, not anymore!" You shouted, grabbing the book he'd brought you the other day and ripping the papers into pieces. "Was this your wife's too? Huh?" You threw the pages at him along with the rest of the book.

"I told you, the divorce was—"

"Get the fuck out," you said firmly, pointing to the door. "Go." Cillian sighed and put his clothes on, grabbing the stuff from his bag and putting it back together. "Fucking pathetic," you mumbled, watching as Cillian headed out with his hair a mess and his clothes on backwards.

He processed what you had just said. He turned to you slowly. "Me? Pathetic?" Cillian laughed and walked over to you. "I'm not the one whose only good attribute is their body," he angrily whispered to you, his voice trembling with fury.

His words left you in shock, as he headed out and slammed the door behind him. It was clear to you now; the man you'd give everything up for only wanted you for your body.

"Fuck you!" You screamed through the door as he walked off to his car, his words still racing through your mind. Tears filled your eyes and you ran to Scarlet's room bawling your eyes out.

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