v. Plead The Fifth

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⚠️This chapter contains a semi detailed but short handjob scene

"Scarlet, where were you last night?" You asked, rubbing your head before taking a sip of coffee.

"Partying, of course," Scarlet said grinning.

"I should've known."

You had barely gotten any sleep. You don't even remember closing your eyes for that long. After Cillian left you, seemingly broken-hearted, you didn't wanna fall asleep. Dreaming of him was the last thing you wanted.

"You look terrible," Scarlet whispered. "Did you sleep?"

You shook your head. "I'm just stressed."

Scarlet extended her hand to you and rubbed your shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll make it."


You had no classes that day. So, to pass the time, you studied your ass off in the library. Assignment after assignment, you worked until your hands couldn't even write anymore.

That was when your worst nightmare became true.

Cillian sat down at a table further from you. He hadn't noticed you were there yet, so you covered your face with your hair and cautiously continued working.

"Y/N?" You heard a whisper.

Well, there goes your plan. You looked up and saw Cillian with a book in his hands. "Oh," you mumbled. "Hey, Mr. Murphy." You got up and started to head out.

"Wait," he whispered. You turned to look at him, and when you locked eyes your heart sank. He looked like he was dead. His eye bags were so puffy and dark.

"You didn't sleep," you said.

"Neither did you." Cillian got up and walked over to you, and looked around to make sure no one was there. He began to slide his hands around your waist, but you stopped him.

"How could you sleep next to your wife at night knowing you had sex with me?" You scoffed.

"No, darling, I'm not here to argue—"

"Don't call me that," you demanded, turning away from him. You stood there, waiting for him to maybe turn away and walk off, but you still felt him behind you. "Listen, Cillian, you're great, you're sweet, you're—"

When you turned back to look at him, tears were streaming down his face. "No, no, no," you whispered and cupped his face in your hands. "You're not gonna cry."

"My relationship with my wife is in the gutters. I know she wants to divorce me," he whispered through hiccups and sniffles. "And my kids don't even look me in the eyes anymore."

Your heart sank. You couldn't bare to watch him so hurt anymore. Without another word, you grabbed his arm and pulled him outside, and all the way to your dorm.

Once you got inside, you were relieved to remember Scarlet was in her class. Cillian took his coat off and you started to undo his belt. "No," he mumbled. "I'm not here for sex."

You watched as he slowly walked to your couch, sitting down and turning on the TV. "Cillian," you sighed. "I'm giving you a place to sleep."

"Your roomate," he reminded.

"She won't give a fuck," you laughed. "Trust me, she's slept with government officials. She'll be fine." Cillian nodded and looked up at you. You slowly walked over to him and sat on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"You confuse me," he whispered. "Do you have feelings for me or not?"

You laughed. "I plead the fifth."

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