Confession 1 (Part 5)

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Kavin: Hazel, I adore you. You left my side, and that's when I understood. I truly apologize for anything I have ever done to you, but please trust that I have changed. Do you want to be my partner?

 Hazel:- Kavin, I apologize, but I need some thought time.

 Kavin:- You can certainly take your time, but keep in mind that I will always be here waiting for you.

Hazel:- Okay, I suppose I'd better leave.
Kavin:- Can I leave you?
Hazel:- There is no necessity .
Kavin:- It's Nearing midnight, and going alone at this hour would not be wise.(After giving it some thought, Hazel decided to follow Kavin. They sat in the car and Kavin started to drive. Kavin was paying attention to the road, Hazel was gazing out the window, and the journey was silent. )                                                              

 Hazel:-  Can we pause here?

Kavin:- Sure 

(They pull over onto a bridge and exit the car. On the bridge, Hazel put her hands down and began to admire the moon. Her hair was blowing in the mild breeze, and the moonlight enhanced her beauty. Kavin was a little taken aback by the scene he was witnessing; it seemed as though he was in heaven. He was fixated on her the entire time.  She felt like she was being watched and looked at the direction of Kavin and found him looking at him.)

Hazel:- Why are you looking at me like that?                                                                                                                       Kavin:- No reason especially.                                                                                                                                                         Hazel:- Ok. We should head home now.                                                                                                                               Kavin:- As you say. Hop in the car.

After that they sat in the car and started to move at the direction of Hazel's house. He Dropped Hazel at her house and then left for him house.

Together By DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora