"Do you even have to take your brother out?" You thought he'd be livid, but he wasn't. And that was somehow worse. He'd only been disappointed- first that you lied to him and secondly that you'd probably ditch your plans that he'd made far before Becca had invited you anywhere. "No. But I only-" He cut you off. "Have fun at your party." Had you been honest he might've been a bit more understanding. "Eddie- Stop." You gripped his arm. "I was only going to pop in and then go to yours but I knew you'd be upset so I thought it was better-"

"To lie?"

"I'm sorry. It's just- I don't have many girl friends so when she invited me I couldn't say no."

"I get it. Just go to the party. I'll have the guys over or something." You knew he was still upset. It was obvious in his tone, his brown eyes glazed over as thought making an attempt not to sow his true feelings. "No- I'm coming. I told you-"

"Just don't, Y/N." He pulled himself from your grip and stalked off in the opposite direction. With a huff you moved on to your next class. It was the next day when you'd stared at yourself in the mirror. Your black wig in a puff atop your head, the rest of your hair falling straight to just under your breasts. The black dress fit you snugly, showing off all of your assets as it'd had a high slit and a low neckline. You pushed the fake dagger into your corseted belt and took a final glance in the mirror. And while you should've been excited you could only think of the disappointed look on Eddie's face. He was looking forward to your celebration far more than you thought he would.

You pushed the thoughts from your head, you were going to a party, and you had every right to do so. You were going to fit both of your plans into your night and it was Eddie who cancelled. You shouldn't have felt as bad as you did but it ate away at you as you parked in front of Becca's house. Your stomach was churning and not in a good way, cars covered the lawn, kids from your school in every costume imaginable, angels, devils, pop culture icons. You shut the engine off, imagining being a room full of your peers where you only knew one person. You couldn't latch onto Becca all night- but the idea of anybody else interacting with you was vomit inducing. You knew what they all thought of you- they'd been vocal about it. This was why her kindness had shocked you.

You couldn't do it. You turned the car back on with a deep breath, hoping that Eddie and the guys were at his house doing movie night. You peeled back onto the road, speeding over to Eddies. You picked up your dress, the black leather heels doing you no favors in keeping your dress above the grass. You pounded on the door, hearing a yell. "We have no candy!" He yelled. You knocked again. "Jesus Christ- I don't have anything-" The door swung open. "Woah." Eddie didn't know what you'd intended on being for halloween but the sight of you in full Elvira get up made his dick twitch. You glanced down at your attire, forgetting your boobs were on full display. "Sorry." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Don't be." He breathed. He was speechless- as though a fantasy he didn't even know he had had come to life.

"Don't you have a party to be at?" Despite the fact he was the most turned on he'd ever been in his entire life- he knew he was meant to be angry with you right now. "No. I couldn't bring myself to go."


"I'd rather be with my friends tonight." You pushed past him and made your way inside. "I didn't invite you in. I'm still mad at you." He followed after you. You sat on the edge of his bed, your arms pushed behind you, holding you up against the edge. Your breasts pushed out to the utmost as you rolled your eyes. You crossed one leg over the other. "Too bad." He gulped at the sight of you. "Do you have the- the- um-" He gestured to his hips. "Oh!" You sat up and pulled the fake dagger from your corset, placing it behind you on the bed. "You really- You went all out." You couldn't help but take his nervousness into account.

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