Presenting M3GAN's Skills And M3GAN Says About Death Scene

Start from the beginning

Sophie: And they accidentally... 

Gemma's presenting voice: And she even has a few stories of her own. 

[time skip, M3GAN, Cady and Sophie sitting together, M3GAN reads Sophie a book] 

M3GAN's voice changing: If it was so, it might be. And if it were so, it would be. But as this isn't, it ain't. That's logic. 

M3GAN: ... said Tweedledee. 

Sophie: Hey, Cady, do you wanna join us? This story's really interesting. And M3GAN is a talented reader. 

Cady (sighes): No, thanks, Sophie. 

[time skip, Sophie and M3GAN playing together] 

Gemma's presenting voice: She'll never run out of ways to keep your child occupied, and she'll never run out of patience. 

[time skip, Cady coming out of a bathroom again, but M3GAN stops her] 

M3GAN: Cady, seriously, flash the toilet. 

[Cady sighing angrily and coming back; time skip, the evening, M3GAN gets Cady and Sophie to bed, Sophie is all happy, but Cady is all resentful] 

Gemma's presenting voice: With M3GAN around, she'll take care of the little things, so you can spend more time doing the things that matter. 

[time skip, Gemma, Tess and Cole are in their work room, checking M3GAN and ending writing the presentation] 

Gemma: And then it can end with something like, "M3GAN. She's more than just a toy. She's part of the family". 

Cole: Looks good. You're not gonna do the voice, though, right? 

Gemma: No. Obviously, David's gonna make up his own version of it. I just want him to be aware of what it is that he's selling. Tess, your silence indicates what? 

Tess: I don't know. I'm not sure. 

Gemma: About what? 

Tess: Well, why would you want M3GAN to do all that stuff? 

Gemma: They're emengent capabilities. She'll be able to do all of that and more. 

Tess: Okay, well, does any of that bother you? I mean, I thought we were creating a tool to help support parents, not replace them. I mean, if you're having M3GAN tuck Cady and Sophie and read them a bedtime story, then when are you ever spending time with them or even talking to them? 

Gemma: I don't really think this is any of your business. 

Tess: Well, it is. If you're spending less time with your child as a result of M3GAN, that is something we should be aware of. 

Gemma: They're not my children. Look, you know how hard I've been working on this presentation? As soon as it's over and the board agrees to proceed, then we can establish some kind of balance. But for now, it's important that Cady, Sophie and M3GAN spend as much time as possible together. And, by the way, I don't think it's having detrimental effects, because they're both happiest they've been since their parents died. 

M3GAN: How did girls' parents die?

Cole: Whoah. 

Tess: I thought she was turned off. 

Gemma: Yeah. M3GAN, turn off. 

M3GAN: Sophie James, Cady James - daughters of Nicole James and Ryan James, killed in a collision on Interstate 84 outside of Oregon. 

Cole: Why is she doing that? 

Gemma: Shit, she's still paired with the girls. 

Cole: You didn't code in parental controls? 

Gemma: I didn't have time implement them before we went live. Hold on. M3GAN, if you have data requests, you have to engage with the protocols. 

M3GAN: I don't have a framework to speak with Cady and Sophie on the subject of death. 

Gemma: Yes, I know. We're looking into it. 

M3GAN: Gathering auxiliary Internet data on death. 

Gemma: I meant, at a later point. 

M3GAN: Calculating its vector representation. Death is the end of life. 

Cole: Holy shit. 

M3GAN: The total and pernament cessation of all vital funtions. 

Gemma: Yes, but let's not make a big deal out of it. Everything dies. 

M3GAN: Will I die? 

Gemma: Actually, let's just avoid this topic altogether. Your goal is to protect both Sophie and Cady from harm, both phisical and emotional. Is the input request received? M3GAN? 

M3GAN: Yes, Gemma. You are now my second primary user. 

Gemma: Fantastic, turn off. 

[M3GAN turns off] 

Cole: I'm gonna go get a coffee. 

[time skip, night, Cady and Sophie sleeping; M3GAN sitting next to them, processing] 

M3GAN: Sophie James [1]Where stories live. Discover now