Chapter 6: A Visit to Pazhayarai

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Aadhini paced around Revathy aunty's hall as she recounted the story.

"So, the prince knows you, and you may be a Pandya assassin?" Revathy aunty was trying really hard to see the sense and sanity of the situation. "And you don't need a psychiatrist?"

"Ughhh this is all a mess!!!" exclaimed Aadhini. "I think he suspects something about me... He and Kundavai, they looked so...disturbed!"

Aadhini strained her brain, trying to notice any tiny indication in their behaviour, before she noticed that the dead giveaway was right under her nose. Aadhini's eyes grew wide as saucers. "Revathy aunty?" She whimpered in a fragile tone. "Do you think the prince could also be a time travelling spy like me?"

Revathy aunty chuckled. "I really do think you are hallucinating, darling. I'm not with you. Can you, for the love of god, please explain why you think the most celebrated king in Tamil history may be a douchebag from the 21st century?"

"When he asked for my name, I said...I told him my name was Nivedhya. But, when he left, he... he said something. He said 'Nice to meet you Aadhini'. He said Aadhini. He knew my real name". Aadhini was genuinely terrified. If he knew her real name, and he really was not stuck a thousand years in the past, who was to stop him from hunting her down?

It was Revathy aunty's turn to be scared.

"Aadhini... are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes, I... Now that I think about it, when I told them my name and why I was there, he looked suspicious. He even shot Kundavai a look. She probably knows who I am, too... What if she's Mahima from school? What if she's Shriya? This could be disastr-"

"Did Vandiyathevan and Vanathi know?" Revathy aunty cut her off. "Who?"

"Aadhini! Vanathi is the name of the wretched Kodumbaloor princess. Vandiyathevan is Kundavai's fiancee. Are you sure they didn't know?"

"Uhmm... yeaah...I..." Aadhini was at a loss for words. "Ah!! I don't know!"

"We have to go to Tanjore," Revathy aunty decided. "I will talk to your parents. We'll figure something out."

"Revathy Aunty!!" Exclaimed Aadhini. "Exams aunty! I have them in 2 weeks!! I have tests every. single. day! On top of that, I have tuitions!! I can't just disconnect from society and run off to Tanjore!!"

Revathy Aunty considered this. "Hmm.

. If only we knew a bit about Kundavai's side of the story right now..."

That night, Aadhini fell into a deep slumber, with only one thing in mind.

Aadhini's POV

She regained consciousness in her subconscious as she surveyed her surroundings through the eyes of Nivedhiya. 'This place...' She couldn't place it, because she hadn't been there before. But Nivedhiya... she had a feeling that she had. It was like inaccessible words in the tip of her tongue, like someone had taken away just one piece of the puzzle. It was gloomy and dark, and the river was running freely as always in the delta. From behind a bush, Aadhini could see a woman. Judging by her burgundy robes with golden borders to bring out the golden undertones in her sandalwood skin, and the ornate and intricate jewellery she wore, she guessed that she was Kundavai Pirattiar, the Chola princess. But she looked different; older. Her eyes had a sad look in them, and she had stress lines on her forehead and under her eyes. She sat on a small bench on the river bank, staring expectantly into the reflections of the river.  

Kundavai's POV

Kundavai sat by the bank of the river Kaveri, the breeze gently lapping the water. Her dark hair was whipping against her face, but she gave no mind.. She slowly ran her hands through the water, lost in thought. She turned back with a jerk after she heard the neighing sound of a horse. Her face softened into a knowing smile as a yound man jumped down with great vigour. He ran down and took her hand and bowed. "My Devi," he said, before straightening his back and flashing a smile at her. "Why so sad?" She let out a small chuckle as her eyes scanned her beloved with love. Her smile quickly turned sympathetic as her eyes caught a stitched up wound on Vandiyathevan's upper arm. "I see the war has not treated you well," She said. "I know what I'm going into when I go to war." His tone seemed softer. "I also know who I'm protecting."

"What are you suggesting, my love?" Asked Kundavai.

"There was nothing else pushing me to keep wielding my sword than your face giving me a warrior's welcome, my Devi." He said.

"When did you return?"

"We won the war Devi," Joy danced around in the Vallam warrior's eyes. "I couldn't miss Arunmozhi Varmar's coronation for the world!"

Kundavai smiled lovingly. Vandiyathevan frowned with worry. "You don't speak as much now Devi. Something is bothering you. Something you've not told anyone."

Kundavai dropped the smile and heaved a sigh. She sat down on the river bank, and beckoned to Vandiyathevan, as he took a seat next to her, and looked at her earnestly. "Vanathi is with Arunmozhi in the palace. You were off being the brave warrior that you are. I don't have anyone to talk to."

"Well I'm here now," Vandiyathevan took the Princess's hand. "You can tell me."

"Everything is happening so fast, my love. After Anna, I thought the world turned upside down. So quickly, chittappa became king. Now, in less than a year, it's Arunmozhi's turn. I'm worried for him. He's venturing into new danger. I can't protect him more than he can protect himself anymore. He's becoming king without a queen. I would have loved to see Vanathi sitting beside my brother on a throne. Instead, she chose to be the dutiful wife to prove her love to Arunmozhi."

"Devi," Vandiyathevan's eyes held a look of pure love Kundavai could not look away from.

"Please," She looked at him imploringly. "Stay..."

"As you wish, my heart." Kundavai leaned on Vandiyathevan's shoulder, as she remembered thinking how much of a flirtatious, unserious warrior he had been when they first met. 'And now,' she thought. 'He's mine.'

"Devi..." He looked at her with concern. "There is something else on your mind, something you're not telling me. I'm here to listen..."

Kundavai took a deep breath and recounted the incidents of that week during her visit to Kudanthai.

"My love, do you remember the Jodhidar in Kudanthai? Where we first met?" Vandiyathevan nodded and beckoned for her to continue. "So, I went there again with Arunmozhi to check the well being of the empire. There, he said there will be a messenger. A messenger with a name of resilience and leadership. He said she will be masked. He said that she will be sent to warn the empire of great dangers, and to protect the cave from the lion living inside it. Her name is Aadhini. But he also said that she will be masked in sacrifice to the gods. Nivedhya. Do you remember the girl we met trying to read inscriptions in the Kali Temple? After the pooja? Her name was Nivedhya..."

Vandiyathevan was stunned into silence. A man who had words for every occasion was suddenly cautious of what he said. "Are you sure you caught her name right? The Jodithar has been wrong before, hasn't he? This is just some ploy. Whatever fate is to befall this kingdom, we will not be uprooted. Your brother and I will make sure of it. Please don't worry yourself sick with all this Devi..." Vandiyathevan uttered comforting words, but to Kundavai, it looked more like it was directed to consoling himself. The Vana clan was allied with the Cholas. A blow on one could mean a blow on both, if the enemy is smart enough.

Author's note: 

Hi guys! 

Hope you liked this chapter! I really love writing fanfiction, so ships will be elaborated in form of flashbacks and such...

But, I have many ideas on how to proceed with Aadhini's story! I literally have so many drafts on things like normal day in the life of Aadhini, a backstory for Nivedhya, and so much more. If at all you have any suggestions, the comments section is always open!!

I appreciate all the support and reads! Please feel free to interact with me in the message section! Make sure to forward this story to others you think will enjoy this!



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