Chapter 5: Yaanai Paaganin Kadhai

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Vanathi sat serenely in the garden behind the palace, where Arunmozhi and her first met The river Kaveri flowed calmly, no brash waters or fast flowing currents, just smoothly lapping the bed. Leaning on the bark of a Banyan tree, Vanathi closed her eyes. She suddenly felt another figure by her side. She quickly opened her eyes in alert. "Relax, it's just me" said Arunmozhi. "It's almost dusk, my lord" she replied. "How did you sneak out?"

"Nobody is stopping a common mahout from exiting the palace grounds!" Chuckled Arunmozhi. "I wanted to spend some time with you"

"My king," began Vanathi. "Your duties increase tenfold from now on. This may be our last moment like this."

Arunmozhi just smiled fondly. "Do you remember, how we first met here?"

Vanathi laughed in memory. "For that, my yaanai paaga, I will be embarrassed for eternity!" She said. "The reason i was here in the first place, was because people were pressuring me into taking up the throne. I didn't want to do it. At the time, Anna and chittappa were both more eligible for the throne than me. But, what I'm saying is, the crown is what led me to you, my lady. Sure, my duties may have increased, but they will all be right here. To everyone, i may be the king, but to you, I'm still the young prince i was when we first met..."

Touched by these words, vanathi rested her head on the king's shoulder.

At that very moment, like a mother showering her love, the clouds presented them with a slight drizzle. Usually, in the chola country, when it rains, the clouds darken, thunder booms from above, lightning strikes the ground in flashes, and the thunderstorm pours down violently. But, peculiarly, it was still calm, it was simple drizzling. "Even the lord of the sky has accepted your reign, my lord" said Vanathi, so quietly that only Arunmozhi could hear her. They both sat outside in the garden for a few more minutes before going into the palace and commencing their royal duties. "Your reign will bring about the dawn of the golden age for the cholas, my yaanai paaga!"

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