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He raised his left eyebrow when he didn't hear anything from your side, "Why is she not answering?" He could sense your hot breath twinkling over his bare chest even after the propinquity between you both was more than half a foot.

Once again, his eyes traveled to your chest which was bobbing up and down unevenly as he tried to ignore your smooth cleavage which was almost covered with your nightgown. He could feel a drop of his sweat trailing down his temple down to his jaw and neck.

Tracing your orbs as you observed the sweat gushing down his cheek as your breath hit his chest making his stomach churn. His heart wasn't at peace just like yours. It was racing up at an unusual pace that he couldn't control.

"She does things to me. She makes me weak. I don't want to be one but I am helpless in front of her. Is she becoming my weakness? What the hell is going on with you, Taehyung? Does she also think the same?" Taehyung thought as he didn't break eye contact with you before your lips took his attention.

He discerned that you were biting your lower lip way too hard as he stretched his hand near your visage while you didn't budge even an inch.

He looked back into your eyes as he skimmed the back of his index finger onto your lower lip.

You blinked leisurely at his touch but deep down you felt shivers running down your spine, "Why am I unable to say no to him? Why can't I lie to him? Say it Y/n. Say that you want him to let you go." You thought to yourself but the words were stuck in your throat.

"It is not a coincidence that whenever I touch her my heart feels at ease. But why? I wasn't like that before. Maybe it is because I haven't been in a relationship for long or she... she has the power to allure me. Why the hell I can't stay away from her? What did you do to me, Y/n?"

He parted his lips looking down at your lips as you unclamped your lower lip from your teeth before he let out an unsteady breath, "Get your shits together, Taehyung!" He gently retreated his hand off your waist but you didn't notice, before he whispered, "I am not holding onto you anymore."

You came out of your reverie, "Hmm?" You asked, furrowing your brows before you twitched your head down to look at your waist which he left a few seconds ago.

You looked back at him before you hastily slipped out of the mattress, standing on the floor, and crouched down to get a hold of the tablet which was placed on the bedside table.

He raised one of his eyebrows before you took out the med from the silver wrapper as he opened his mouth, "I said, I am not going to take-" Before he could finish his sentence, you shoved the medicine in his mouth.

He could taste the sour taste all over his tongue as he scrunched his nose almost instantly.

"What the f*ck-" He stopped with his muffled voice as you stretched the glass of water out for him while he threw a glare at you, "Drink it." You ordered but he didn't budge his hands so you touched the rim of the glass over his lower lip.

You tilted the glass, slowly as he quaffed the water down his throat along with the tablet.

He could sense everything turned to be blurry when your eyes met as he watched you gazing at him, "Beautiful." The thought gushed through his mind out of nowhere as he blinked twice before you removed the rim of the glass from his lips.

You placed the glass back on the bedside table when you heard his voice, "How-" His sentence was interrupted by sudden coughing, making your eyebrows furrow as you hastily turned to him.

Taehyung had his palm hindering his mouth making you panic.

Stooping a bit you elongated your hand, you gingerly rubbed his soft milky bare back to simmer down his cough as you were looking down at him with your eyebrows crumpled and petrified, "Are you okay?" You asked as he gulped down as his coughing ceased.

You crouched down to take a look at his visage as he took a glance at you with his side eyes as he took in a few heavy breaths before you acknowledged the propinquity between you two.

You retreated your hand from his back but you discerned him getting a hold of your other wrist.

Before you could say anything, Taehyung promptly pulled you as you overbalanced on your feet a squeal left your mouth before you landed on his lap which was covered with the duvet.

You clutched onto his shoulder while he was holding onto your waist, stiffly.

You leisurely opened your eyes which were clenched shut as his cocoa almond orbs came into your view.

Your breathing was unsteady while he was gazing down at you with his dark orbs as the back of your head was resting on his upper arm.

You gulped down and before you could speak something he asked, "How dare you do that?" His voice trailing anger but summoning all the courage you said, "Do what?" You pulled up your head from his arm but he leaned in as your head again landed on his sturdy arm.

"Why the hell did you do that when I said-" You raised your voice in the middle of his sentence, "I didn't do anything wrong! If you have a fever then you have to take the meds." You declared as he stared down at you.

You wiggled your orbs within him as he gritted his teeth and took a few seconds before saying, "Don't you dare do something like this again. Otherwise, the results won't be good." He threatened you as you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Oh, So now you are threatening me. What? What will you do?" You asked, pulling yourself up from his arm as he raised one of his eyebrows, "You wanna know." He whispered making you blink as he leaned in closer to your ear making your heartbeat skyrocket within a jiff.

Your breath hit his chest as he whispered in your ear, "You already know what I am capable of... Princess." He declared in his sonorous voice.

You blankly stared at the wall ahead of you as he took a glance at your visage and you looked back at him, gulping down.

"Princess..." This word was looping inside your head as your eyes widened before blinking a couple of times as you took a few seconds to retort, "Will you stop giving me those false threats?!" You asked, more like declaring that his threats are fallacious.

Taehyung licked his lower lips before clamping them in his teeth as you scrutinized his every movement.

Wiggling your eyes back in his orbs as he suddenly leaned in near your visage making you retreat your head from him.

You gazed into his orbs with your wide eyes when you felt his lips aligned with yours as your heart was hammering against your ribcage while your throat was arid and burning at the same time.

The herd of elephants made their way into your stomach making it churn.

His warm breath trailed onto your lips and chin as you were staring into his dark cocoa orbs which didn't have a sheer hint that he was joking about what he said, "Just an inch closer and you will lose your first kiss to me." He declared.

His sonorous and rich voice was resonating in your ears as you gulped down to moisten your arid throat but it didn't help much with you as he traced down your parted petals before gazing back into your orbs.

He could sense the panic deep down in your orbs which you were trying to bury aside but were unable to, "Should I?" He asked, leaning in closer to your visage as you promptly pushed him away from you with all your force by placing your palm on his bare chest.

You glided off his lap before standing on the marble floor as he looked at you while you threw daggers in his direction. He looked at you with his eyebrow raised, "Pervert!" You declared as you stomped your feet on the floor before making your way out of the room.

Taehyung gazed at your back as you shut the door of your room, loudly as his lips were curved upwards from the fringes, unwittingly he was smiling.

"I should be angry for what she has done, then why am I smiling?" He asked with his hazy orbs before he slipped back inside the duvet and went into his deep slumber.

"Make me your villain but in the end,
I will be your hero."

THE HATING GAME- Taehyung x Reader ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz