Hungary Part 2

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Authors note: I don't know any German so I've had to use google translate, so if anything is wrong please let me know in the comments so I can correct it, thanks 😁😁

I wake up at 7:30 pm, Oh crap I think to myself, Because of how late I woke up I don't have much time to get ready so I choose to just wear a simple dress with a small bit of makeup.
This is the dress

I walk down to the lobby and sees Seb talking to lando, "Guten Abend Bas" , (good evening Bas ), I give Seb hug then I turn and hug lando, "How are you feeling now", "I feel better now thanks lando", We all walk to the hotel restaurant and get set...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I walk down to the lobby and sees Seb talking to lando, "Guten Abend Bas" , (good evening Bas ), I give Seb hug then I turn and hug lando, "How are you feeling now", "I feel better now thanks lando", We all walk to the hotel restaurant and get settled at our table. "So lando what do you like about Matilda" Seb says out of the blue, "Bas, das kannst du ihn nicht fragen", (Bas, you can't ask him that), "Warum nicht", (Why not), "weil es unhöflich ist und du ihn in Verlegenheit gebracht hast", (because it rude and you've made him feel awkward), "Um I don't mean to interrupt but can you guys talk in English" Lando says sheepishly, "Oh sorry lando, I promise we'll only talk in English now so you can understand us", "Thank you".
"So Lando are you going to answer my question", seb asks, "Don't worry you don't have to if you don't want to", I say looking Seb in the eyes
"No it's ok, The things I like about Matilda is that she's gorgeous, She hilarious and she makes my heart beat a million times an hour", "Aww thanks lando" I say smiling.

We enjoy our meal and pay, "I'll get this Seb says pulling out his card", "No let me" I say putting my card down. "No Tilly I can't let you pay", "Yes Bas you can", "No I can't", "Fine". I watch as Seb put his card down but when he's distracted by talking to lando i switch the cards and pay for the meal, However my phone pings getting Sebs attention, he looks at the notification from my bank letting me know the transaction went through.
"Tilly you didn't", "Yes I did Bas, I'm a grown woman I can pay for my own meal", "I'm transferring the money to you now", he says reaching for his phone, "If you do I'll ring Hanna", "You wouldn't dare", "Try me", I say as I pick up my phone and go to press on Hannas number. "Ok fine I won't transfer you the money just please don't call her, she won't let me live it down please", "Fine, I say holding out my hand for him to shake, "Thank you" Seb says shaking my hand.

We say good bye and I go up to my room and text Elizabeth

Translation underneath

(Good evening Elizabeth how was the dog park today?) (Well, it was eventful, sun decided to steal a persons ice cream and capri accidentally peed on a women's feet whilst I was talking to her) (Are you serious?) (Yes I am) (The women said it was a...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Good evening Elizabeth how was the dog park today?)
(Well, it was eventful, sun decided to steal a persons ice cream and capri accidentally peed on a women's feet whilst I was talking to her)
(Are you serious?)
(Yes I am)
(The women said it was alright and started laughing about it)
(I've got to make the doggos dinners, but I'll text you in the morning)
(Ok good night tell capri and sun I love them)
(They said they love you too good night)

The Next morning I wake up at 6 am and get ready to go to my photoshoot, I get to my photoshoot and is met by my manager, Josette
"Good morning Matilda", Josette says cheerfully, "Good morning how are you today", "I'm good", While getting changed into the outfit I was modelling Josette noticed a big bruise underneath my rib on my side, "Oh What happened Matilda", Josette says pointing out the bruise, "Sebs daughter Emilie jumped on me and landed on my side", "Matilda if I was you I'd go get that checked out it looks bad", "Don't worry about it I'll be fine".
We do the photoshoot and Josette can see that my side is bothering me,
After the photoshoot Josette brings it up to me again, "Listen Matilda I saw how much your side was bothering you, you need to get it sorted out",
"I'll be fine" I say not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

After my photoshoot I go to the grid to surprise seb, "Hey Bas" I say hugging him from behind, "Hey Tilly", as he hugs me I whine as he catches my side, "Are you ok", Seb asks worried, "Yep I'm fine", I sit in sebs drivers room and watch the practice. Once the practice is over I go over to seb but as I get up I feel a shooting pain in my side, "Ow", Seeing this Seb runs over to me, "Es ist mir egal, was du sagst, ich bringe dich ins Krankenhaus", (I don't care what you say i'm taking you to the hospital), "Da das nicht geht, musst du dich an die Medien wenden",(Bas you can't you've got to go to media), "Naja, dann fehlen mir wohl die Medien",(well then I guess I'm missing media then), "Nein, Bas, das kann ich dir nicht erlauben, du musst eine Geldstrafe zahlen", (no Bas I can't let you do that you'll have to pay a fine), "Tilly, meine Tochter hat das verursacht, lass mich dich ins Krankenhaus bringen und ich werde die Geldstrafe bezahlen. Bitte, ich werde das Versprechen brechen, das ich deinen Eltern gegeben habe, wenn ich dich zurückgehen lasse", (Tilly my daughter caused this let me take you to the hospital and I'll pay the fine, please I'll be breaking the promise I made to your parents if I let you go back), "ok, gut", (Ok fine).

Seb let's his PR manager know what's happening and takes me to the hospital, "Hello I'm dr Balogh, What seems to be the problem", "Hi I hurt my side and I think it's fine but he forced me to come", I say pointing at Seb, "Ok, can I see", "Sure", I lift up my shirt to reveal the bruise across my side, "Ok, I'm going to feel your side if that's ok", "Go ahead", He slightly touches my side and I winches in pain, "Ok I'm going to send you for an X-ray", "What, Why, is it serious", Seb says starting to panic, "Bas calm down jeez". I say trying not to laugh at his worry.

I go for my X-ray and come back to see Seb pacing up and down the hall way waiting for me, "Bas you don't need to worry I'm fine", "If you were fine we would be going home right now", Seb says while pacing even more.
A little while later the doctor comes back with my X-ray result, "Ok Matilda it appears you've cracked your rib", "Is that bad", "Well it's better then having a broken rib, luckily the ribs heal quickly so all you'll need to do is ice your rib every 8 hours for 20 minutes a day for 4 weeks until your ribs healed, I'll also prescribe some medication for your pain", "Ok am I good to go", "Yep but Matilda you need to take it easy for the next few weeks, ok No heavy lifting and you need to rest regularly to help you heal quicker", "Ok thank you Dr", I say taking the prescription out his hand. Me and Seb go get my painkillers and Seb drives us back to the hotel, "I'm calling mick to tell him that you can't go to the next few Grand Prixs", "Why", "Because I know your stubborn ass will still come", "So your going to ask mick to babysit me until my ribs healed", "Yep" Seb said laughing.

When Unexpected Things Happen

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