chapter three: xiaoman got kidnapped

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Yu'er went to visit her real mother grave and Yuan as been following her.

Yu'er suppected that someone is following her.

Who's that? Yu'er.
It's me! Island master.

Why are you following me around? Yu'er.

I'm missing you so I followed you here! Island master.

You should stop following me around.
You should go back and take care of the island mansion so stop following me? Yu'er.

Then she went back home.

Later in the day yu'er went to Yuan to tell him that she's leaving the state to get her power back.

Yuan bid her farewell and yu'er told her that she's coming back after she gets her power back.

Du Ruo went after her to bid her farewell and found know boat on the river.

Du Ruo where could she be.
Then he finds the boat Man being tie up.

What is wrong! Du Ruo.

And he told him everything.

And the report went to the island master that yu'er has been kidnapped.

And island master went to look for yu'er.

The badditt kidnapped yu'er and Yuan fiance Su Tang and some children.

Yu'er did you have any Sharp object with you! Yu'er.

Yes! Su Tang.
Give me! Yu'er.
Then Su Tang give her the Sharp object and they cut the rope that they use to tie them.

Guard the door! Yu'er.

Okay! Su Tang.
Su tang guard the door while yu'er is helping the children.

When they where about to pass through the window the badditt came in and yu'er told the children to run and they caught Su Tang and yu'er back while the children escape.

Badditt do you think you can escape from here.
Island master found them and told the Badditt to leave them.

And the badditt told him to choose her favorite and he will leave them both.

But Yuan didn't choose.
You don't want to choose then I will choose for you! Badditt.

Then he put a sword on su tang neck and Yuan didn't say anything.
Then the badditt put the sword on yu'er neck and Yuan say if you Dare hurts her I'll kill you.

So she's your favorite? Badditt.

Su Tang started feeling terrible about that.

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