I was to break the good news to my brother that i was accepted in the university for the anthropology course.

But i did not know that i will be the one getting the news only the difference was that the news i got were not good.

The doctor firmly answered,"we are still trying although i would say its hard to tell anything now. Their condition is critical."

"How's Aditya?"

"He is fine just that we were waiting for him to gain senses. After that we will be able to confirm his health."

"Can i see him?"

He handed me a sheet of paper and left after saying,"yes you can but first bring this medicine."

I had to save my brother and his family.

I was told that Aditya had got some internal brain injury which caused him to be unconscious.

They were still trying to find what happened to my brother Samarth and Shruti bhabhi.

I headed towards the chemist to get the medicine doctor ordered.

The lady behind the desk in the chemist was sitting looked bored.

"Excuse me!"

She looked at me and flashed her eye-lashes at me. Girls go crazy for my looks and nobody will believe if i tell them what girls do when they get to know who i am.

I am only famous thanks to my brother.

Samarth Bhai is the top bussiness man in some parts of India.

He was just on his way back after cracking a deal when this accident happened. He had gone with the whole family except me cause i never liked business although Samarth Bhai never told me anything when i told him that i would like to study anthropology but i knew that he did internally wished i did chosen business.

The lady looked at me and asked,"hello..umm..how can i help you?" She tried to keep her voice flirtrous but it did not affect me.

I gave her the note doctor Agastya gave me and gave her a rather serious smile which indicated that it's not the correct time for her to flirt.

She understood i guess cause after that she tried to be serious. She handed me a packet and told,"that'd be all."

I nodded and fished out my credit card but she refused saying,"this all will be added to your final bill."

I smiled at her and went toward the doctor's office to give the doctor this medicine he ordered.

After giving the medicine i headed towards the room where Aditya was.

Before entering his room,i was interupted by my phone ringtone and without checking the caller id i swiped my finger over the screen to answer the call.


"Hey Sid. Congrats bro..heard you got the access to study in the university. Where is the party? Where are you are right now?"

I couldn't argue and bluntly answered him,"hospital."

"Hospital? What happened? Am coming there in five." And he cut off.

He is my best friend and at the same time the accountant in my brother's company.

I entered the room.

Neerav's P.O.V.

"Neev! Neev! Is the food ready? What are doing? It's been an hour since i asked you for food. Bring fast." That is my step-mother shouting like a maniac from the living room.

I intentionally was taking time in preparing the food.

"Neev?" She now came in the kitchen to check on me.
"How many times should i tell you? Stop calling me that. Only Mishti calls me Neev," i corrected.

I never liked anyone calling me Neev except for Mishti.
I being called by a nickname was reserved for special people and my step-mom was not and i doubt if she will ever be included.

"I know, but i will act nice with you infront of guest,right?" Asked my mom with a fake smile.

"You don't have to be nice with me, just be nice to them and whatever you want from them, they will happily give it to you." I advised her.

She pressed her lips together in a thin line somehow pissed that i know why she was acting nice infront of the guests.

"I only want their daughter for my son Rahul, the rest i will get it automatically," she explained happily probably thinking hiw much money the girl will bring at our home after the marriage.

I sighed thinking how greedy people can be for money.

"Plus, they know how unfortunate i am to have a you as my son," she continued.

'Unfortunate? And you? Please of all the people you should know that how unfortunate i am to have you as my mother..sorry to have you as my step-mother" i wanted to say all that but instead i said," if they already know how 'unfortunate'(i quoted the word unfortunate with my fingers)you are then why fake it? Show them the real you towards me."

"Listen, this is my last warning! Act nice towards me infront of them otherwise..-" she told but i interupted," whatever."
But she still continued and kept on ranting how rich the guest are and how this time they should accept the proposal and how lucky Rahul is and all that blah blah blah which i hear every day.
Everyday a guest(which are the girl's family and are rich) comes to get their daughter marry my step-brother Rahul.

"Neev, believe me! They are rich." She told and i asked," really? Cause the guests yesterday came were rich than the one who came the day before yesterday. So?"
"This time they are the richest and you love wasting my time, they are waiting for the food so hurry up," and she left after saying that.

Seriously? Can someone be this greedy?
Well i guess my step-mom can be.


I kept the expensive tea-set on a tray and some snacks that i prepared for the so-called rich guests and rook it in the living where the guests were seated.

Strange! In the films they show that the girl is always the one who serves the boy's family.
Here i am serving for my brother.
My life is perfect(note the sarcasm).

As always i knew what the girl's family answer will be after meeting Rahul Bhai.
As usual when am done serving that's when the entry of Rahul comes.
He enters with a bang!
No, not the filmy type bang but the door breaking bang.
He comes home fully drunk and in his drunkness he opens the door in attempt to break it.
And that's when the girl family leaves after rebuking mum with all the lies mum told them about Rahul.

My step-mum being step-mum says,"he is not Rahul" and Rahul being Rahul flirts with the girl saying,"hi am Rahul?"
It's fun watching my step-mum plan fail.


Here's a next update..hope you like it. An early update for those who commented on my last update.
So after 5 votes and 5 comments comes the next chapter.

Keep on voting and commenting..cause that keeps encouraging me to write faster. :) :)

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