Broomsticks and Flowers

Start from the beginning

"My glasses, I can't see without them," Harry sits up on his knees. All he can see is blurs of colours surrounding him. He inhales deeply, realizing they are flowers.

The blonde sighs heavily and walks over to Potter's broomstick and looks around for them. He spots them a few metres away, broken. Draco grabs them off the ground and takes out his wand.

He holds the glasses in his hand before making a spiralling motion and saying, "reparo!"

The glasses fix magically and Draco goes back to Harry while putting his wand away. He squats down in front of Harry, who heard him repair his glasses. Suddenly his glasses are being put on his face by Malfoy and everything clears up.

He watches with clear vision as Draco untucks the hair by his ears so his glasses and fit comfortably on him. Draco finishes and allows his hands to drop down by his side before standing back up and dusting off his hands. Harry blushes at the kind gesture and rubs the dirt off his cheeks.

Harry stands up and brushes himself off. He looks back up to see Draco storming away. "Wait! Where are you going?" Harry calls out. He stumbles a bit before regaining his balance and running after Malfoy.

"I'm going back to my dorm, if you must know," Draco hisses out while having no desire to have a conversation with Potter.

"What were you doing out here? Picking flowers?" Harry asks, genuinely curious. He looks down at all the picked flowers that were dropped.

"I was until you made me drop them all and fall!" Draco says bitterly. Harry's never seen Draco so mad at something so small. He understands the frustration of almost getting hit, but the flowers?

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you before it was too late. I didn't even realize I left the arena," Harry apologizes, hoping it eases Malfoy up.

"Of course you couldn't see me," Draco scoffs. Harry stops walking and frowns. He actually feels bad he knocked Draco over and made him drop all his flowers. They seemed to be really important to him.

He wonders why Malfoy was picking them in the first place.

"Draco, I'm sorry," he calls out, defeated.

Malfoy doesn't stop walking, "don't call me that!" He yells back, not daring to turn around and face Potter.

Harry feels his heart shatter. He's not sure why he feels so bad, it's Malfoy after all. Draco Malfoy. All he's done is torment Harry, yet he can't help but feel guilty for upsetting Draco.

A frown remains on his face and eventually Draco is out of his sight. Harry sighs and turns back to the flowers that were all crushed from Malfoy falling on them.

He bends down and picks one up from off the ground. It's a purple flower, one Harry isn't familiar with. A single petal falls and twirls it's way down to the ground.

Harry drops it before analyzing all the flowers that Draco was picking. They are all different colours, some have thorns, others have leaves. Many of these flowers Harry's never seen before and he wonders if they have any magical value.

After memorizing what was destroyed, Harry sets off and starts picking all the same flowers Draco was picking. He's going to return the flowers and hope that makes the Slytherin feel better.

As he picks, he continues to ask himself why he cares so much. It's just Draco Malfoy, nobody special to Harry. Perhaps he just feels back for destroying such a pretty thing. Maybe Draco was upset he was caught picking flowers?

No, Draco doesn't care what other people think about him, Harry thinks to himself.

He finishes and walks back to the destroyed flowers and makes sure he picked all the right ones. Satisfied with his little bouquet, he finds his broomstick. Luckily for him it's not broken, it's just stuck upright in the ground. He sighs and fights with it a bit before finally getting it out.

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