When morning eventually came, I got up and put on my uniform. I hated that this school had a uniform. My entire wardrobe, going to waste five days a week. At least I looked good in the uniform.

Once I was dressed and had my hair done, I grabbed my (F/C) school back and headed downstairs, head in my phone as usual, while I looked around for something to eat for breakfast and packed my lunch.

Once that was done, I headed out. When I went to get the school on my phone's GPS, I had a message from Pi.


ApplePi; Good luck <3

RoseXoXD; Thanks. Good luck to you too.


He never replied back after that, not that I really expected him to. What would you say to that?

The walk to school was pretty boring. It only took about fifteen minutes to get there, which was nice.

"Ugh, this place is so big...where do I even go...?" I whispered to myself. I walked forwards towards the door as I looked down at my phone, which had my schedule pulled up on it.

And of course, my clumsy ass bumped into someone and almost fell flat on my face. I would've, if the guy didn't catch me.

"You okay there?" He asked. I looked up to see a tall, handsome, black haired guy staring down at me with a small smile on his face.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I squealed.

"You're okay, it's not every day I see an angel. What's your name, gorgeous?" He asked. Flirty type, got it.

"(Y/N) (L/N). You are?"

"Tetsuro Kuroo. Pleasure to meet you. How about I help you find your way around? I assume you're new?"

"Yeah, first year. Not to mention I was in homeschooling for all of middle school." I gave a nervous laugh.

"Oh, so you're very new. Alright, let's see..." He said, taking my phone directly from my hands, "You're a first year in second year classes?" He questioned.

"I may or may not have gotten all of my first year credits already...I worked ahead. It was either that or I lived on a video game. So I guess they're just treating me as if I'm a second year?" I assumed.

"Gotcha...well, let me show you to your homeroom. You're actually in homeroom with one of my best buds. You actually have most of your classes with him." He said. I nodded and followed him through the crowded halls of Nekoma. He walked me into my classroom and right to his friend.

"Kuro, if this is your new chick of the week, I don't wanna meet her. No offense." He looked up at me. He was playing Pokemon on a Gameboy.

"No, she's not, unfortunately. She's new to the school. I looked at her schedule and it's just about a copy of yours, so I figured I'd introduce you two and maybe you could get your head off the game and help her around." Kuroo rolled his eyes at the boy in front of us.

"Oh - Okay then. Sorry I made that assumption. Mind if I see your schedule too?" He asked. He sounded bored and like it was a chore to be talking to me. I handed him my phone and watched as he read it. Kuroo 'snuck' out of the room while this was going on. I sat down in the empty seat next to him, waiting for my phone back.

"He wasn't joking, we have very similar schedules. The only difference is you have a study hall last period right now because you haven't joined a club. That'll change when you join a club of some sort." He said, handing my phone back.

"Oh, okay..." I laughed a bit.

"Yeah. I never caught your name, by the way. I'm Kenma Kozume, but I tend to just go by my first name."

"Me too. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." I replied. Before we could get into an actual conversation, our teacher walked into the room to start taking attendance and probably list a bunch of rules.


When lunch rolled around, Kenma showed me to the cafeteria and then pretty much said 'goodbye, good luck'. I didn't know where to sit, I knew no one except for him and Kuroo.

Instead of sitting in the cafeteria where it was crazy crowded, I found my way to the roof to sit. I took a place in a corner by myself and started texting Pi.


RoseXoXD; Guess who's sitting by herself at lunch :/

ApplePi; Have you even talked to anyone?

RoseXoXD; As a matter of fact, I have. Not intentionally though. I ended up running into a guy this morning while I was looking down at my phone at my schedule. That was embarrassing, but he's nice. And he introduced me to a friend of his who I had class with. But other than that...nope...

ApplePi; Good talk to people, sit at a random table, make friends.

RoseXoXD; Dude, you can't just do that. People already have established groups. Besides, I came up on the roof.

ApplePi; Just don't fall off :D

RoseXoXD; I won't fall, but I might jump.


My texting was interrupted by Kuroo coming up to me.

"Come sit with us. You don't have to be all alone." He smiled as he looked down at me.

"You sure? I don't mind being alone. I'm used to it..." I gave a nervous laugh.

"Come on. They don't bite. I might though." He teased as he held a hand out to me. I rolled my eyes and followed him across the roof to the group of guys.

I quickly texted Pi and let him know I'd talk to him later, that I was gonna just eat and get the rest of my day over with.

"Kuroo, how do you know a girl this hot? Is she your new girlfriend!?" A tall guy with gray hair asked.

"That's the second time that this has happened. How many girls does he bring around?" I laughed.

"You don't wanna know." The gray haired boy talked again.

"She's not my girlfriend, just a new girl to the school. She ran into me this morning. I saw her sitting alone and invited her over, Kenma should've invited her. Their schedules are identical." Kuroo sat down in the circle. I sat down between him and a shorter guy with short sandy blonde hair.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Tora, and you are?" The guy with the Mohawk introduced himself to me. He was obviously trying to be flirty, but it wasn't working out too well.

"I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you all." I smiled. They all went around and introduced themselves, and I learned that I'd just made myself friends with the entire boys volleyball team.

We talked as we ate, and it was actually pretty nice. I was gonna have to tell Pi all about this later.

"So, what club were you thinking about joining?" Yaku asked.

"It's odd I ran into the boys volleyball team, because I was going to join the girls team. I played a bit in elementary school and figured it's my best shot at being good at something even though I haven't played in three years." I said.

"Or, hear me out, we need a manager." Tora suggested.

"You just want a hot manager like most of the other schools." Yaku rolled his eyes.

"I think we all do. Have you seen Fukurodani's managers? Ugh, why couldn't I have gone there." Lev sighed.

"Think about it. We'd appreciate having you as our manager." Kuroo said.

"I'll think about it." I nodded. The rest of lunch was spent goofing off with these dorks. I was also texting Pi the entire time. Kenma was on his phone too, probably playing a game. I guess he's a huge gamer and almost always has his nose stuck in his phone or a game console.

~Word Count~

Gaming Buddies to Lovers - A Kenma x Reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now