Chapter 1

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the tallest tree for a Clan meeting!"

A loud call rang out through the camp as the sun's rays began to peek through the canopy. Faint light danced across the clearing, casting down upon the sleeping Clan.

Darkpaw stirred at the noise and pried her eyes open, at first only seeing the black-and-white patched cat she had slept next to before rolling over and rising to her paws.

It didn't take long before every den became full of rousing cats, and soon enough DawnClan had gathered below the tallest tree where Blizzardstar sat waiting above them.

"In DawnClan we train our apprentices to become warriors with the utmost standards. Today a young cat has finally finished their training and will rise to the challenging task of warriorhood," Blizzardstar announced, his gaze fixed on Darkpaw and Sootpaw and his eyes narrowed. "I, Blizzardstar, leader of DawnClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to see this apprentice before me," He paused for an instant before continuing, "Darkpaw and Sootpaw, please step forward."  

The two littermates got slowly to their paws, all the while glaring at their leader, and stepped hesitantly forward.

Blizzardstar continued, his voice the only sound in all of camp, and perhaps the whole forest. "Darkpaw has trained hard to understand the ways of your code, and I commend her to you as a warriors in her turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do," came the reluctant words from Darkpaw. She couldn't really reject her naming.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name: Darkpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Darkfeather. StarClan honors your strength and your spirit," Blizzardstar paused for a moment before he continued speaking. "We welcome you as a full warrior of DawnClan."

Once Darkfeather received her warrior name, she sat up straight and awaited her brother's turn.

"Blizzardstar's eyes shined with something that Darkfeather could've quite read as he turned to face Sootpaw.

"Sootpaw has trained hard to understand the ways of your code, and I commend him to you as a warriors in his turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Sootpaw lifted his chin, meeting the leader's eyes as he gave Blizzardstar his answer. "I do." He mewed with full confidence.

Blizzardstar simply nodded before he resumed speaking. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name: Sootpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Sootpelt. StarClan honors your intelligence and your energy, and we welcome you as a full warrior of DawnClan."

The Clan broke out in cries of "Darkfeather! Sootpelt!", as Blizzardstar had finished the naming ceremony.

The Clan cats gathered began to dissipate, returning to their dens or duties for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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