Chapter 2 : Pink Confusion

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Moving away from my family's spacious abode to a cozy LA apartment was a mix of trepidation and thrill. It marked the beginning of my journey towards independence and self-sufficiency, a journey towards her. Although I still depended on my dad's acquaintances to ferry me around, they all had extra limousines and chauffeurs. I longed for the day when I could afford to purchase my own car—a pink one, just like Elvis's.

As a newcomer in Hollywood, I was engulfed in a wave of emotions—lost yet excited and determined to succeed as an actress. John, my agent, was tirelessly arranging auditions for me, and I didn't want to burden him with my transportation needs. Enter Marvin, a forty-year-old, hardworking father of five who exudes respect, wisdom, chic, trustworthiness, and dependableness. To add to his mystique, he was a jazz musician, fueling my fascination with artists even more. Marvin was the only type of man that I could tolerate in my life.

Marvin and I used to drive around in a long black Rolls Royce—the type of car only European royals could have. As I looked around at the city and the photographers lurking around every corner, I knew I needed to change my fashion game. My clothes were too elegant for these streets; I was no longer the girl next door. I am the biggest star in this town, and I need to look like it. That's what I asked for.

I wanted to be noticed; I wanted to be seen as an attractive woman, and maybe, just maybe, she would notice me too. I imagined running into her in a Beverly Hills boutique or a trendy bar, just like the ones I had read about in the magazines.

For now, I would focus on honing my craft and looking the part. The rest would fall into place.

Marvin took me to all the right places. "You'll definitely get photographed in these shops," he said.


"Of course, my dear, a beautiful girl like you in a car like this! They'd be stupid not to."

"You are a special man, Marvin; no wonder you've been married seven times, in seven different states," I said jokingly.

He laughed, "I was looking for love— real love."

"And you've found it?"

"I did," Marvin shared. "Her name is Mary Jane. I only had to hear her voice on the radio to fall in love with her. She has the most angelic voice I have ever heard. I knew she had to be my soul mate, so I left my home for her,"

"You left your kids?"

"I had three at the time; the young ones prefer to live with their mothers; I don't blame them; I work all the time, and if I am not working, I am making music; it pays well, and at least that way I can pay for their education later. It was a choice I had to make."

"Was it worth it?"

"It depends. I have two kids with Mary Jane, and if you ask them, they will tell you that I am the best daddy in the world. My eldest, Mikael, on the other hand, will tell you a different tale if you ask him. He wants to move here with me; he wants to be an artist someday like his old-man. But I can't bring him here for now; his mother won't let him, and I don't really have enough space for him at my place; it's barely big enough for two adults."

"Where does he live now?"

"New York, he's in high school; you would love him; he's a very smart kid."

"We could get him a scholarship; tell him that he can choose whatever college he wants; my family will get him there."

And just like that, a simple phone call had the power to alter Mikael's destiny forever. The weight of the contrast between our lives hit me profoundly. The disparity wealth could create between individuals was startlingly apparent. Here I sat, sharing the same car with a man equally diligent and dedicated, yet he struggled to afford a home spacious enough for his family. It reminded me of Theodore and my extravagant upbringing, where even my horse enjoyed a more spacious dwelling than Marvin's. How is that fair? And who decides who gets what? The realization of the unfairness planted a seed of anger deep within my heart. It would eventually change the world for many others in many ways.

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