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WARNINGS: "Performing a ritual" "Satan" "Mentions of Necromancy."

Sophia Rose's POV:

I was told that we had a new girl joining us here at the school. Some like to call it a boarding school, while for the insiders, like us, it is a witch coven.

The doorbell rang, and the black metal gates unlocked and opened. The new girl walked in, and was introduced to empty hallways, and the creaking of the door opening and closing behind her.

She shouts, "Hello? Hello? Hello?" Trying to get an answer. The open flames in the fireplace crackled, as she walked around to take in her new surroundings.

When she screamed, that's when I knew the girls had started their welcome committee initiation. They took the new girl to the table, where they acted like they were going to perform a ritual, to prove their loyalty to Satan, himself: "O dark father, we offer this flesh up to you. Blood, life, and all."

The new girl, cries and shouts, "Get the hell off me!" She lights fire in the candlesticks surrounding her. She sits up, and the masked individual in the middle, takes off her mask, to reveal herself, "Jesus, Sabrina. Relax. We're just messing with you."

The girl was blown away, "Holy shit. Are you..." The blonde girl introduces herself, "Madison Montgomery. Movie star" Madison, she may have the looks, but she is also stuck up. The girl on her right unveils herself, "Shit. When's the last time you made a movie, girl?" That's Queenie, she is not afraid to speak her mind.

The girl on the left pulls her mask off, "I'm Nan. Hi" The new girl introduces herself, "Zoe" "Queenie" Zoe, "So, is this all of you?" They hear a feminine voice, full of power and authority answer the question, "At the moment."

The trio, and the new girl turn their heads, and there I am, standing with the woman, "Cordelia Foxx, headmistress." She looks to me, "This is Sophia Rose Foxx. My daughter." We smile.

I look to Zoe, "Hi, Zoe. It's so nice to meet you." Mom, "All right, girls. There's a van full of groceries in the driveway that needs unloading. Sophia and I will show Zoe to her room. The. We meet for Midday Gathering." No one was moving a muscle, so I shout softly, "Let's go."

I lead Zoe up the stairs, "Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies was established as a premiere girls' finishing school in 1790. During the Civil War, it was converted into a military hospital. Afterwards, it came under new management. My mom's management."

I continue, "In 1868, Marianne Wharton, a prominent East Coast society matron, early suffragette, author of several popular children's books, and, as it happened, the reigning Supreme of that time, purchased this facility, retaining the name as a cover. Establishing a safe haven, where young witches could gather to learn."

Mom comes up behind me, "In its heyday, the academy was home to as many as 60 girls. Over the years, those numbers dwindled." Zoe asks, "Why?" Mom responds, "We're a dying breed, Zoe."

I continue, as, everyone sits in the main room, "Many of the families who knew they carried the bloodline, made a choice not to reproduce." Zoe, "So, what's a Supreme?"

I take this one, "An average witch is born with a few natural gifts. But in each generation, there is one woman, who embodies countless gifts. Some say, all of them. She is the Supreme."

Zoe asks, "Are you the Supreme?" My mother smiles politely, "No. I'm like you. Just a witch. And a teacher. I'm here to help you identify your gifts, and teach you how to control them."

Queenie, "She means to suppress them" I say, "Not suppress, Queenie" Mom, "Not suppression. Control" Madison, "They think it's still the 1600s." Mom, "No. Back then, our kind understood the dangers. Today, so many families know nothing of their ancestry. Too many girls aren't lucky enough to have found us, or weren't identified in time for us to have found them."

I say, "Like that poor Cajun girl, just outside Lafayette a few months back. Misty Day." Mom, "She wasn't much older than any of you. And she had a gift. The power of resurgence."

I say, "Misty could reach into that place between life and death, and draw a soul back from the precipice. Back to this side, back to life." Mom, "To some, this appeared to be the God-touched power of resurrection. To others, necromancy."

Zoe, "So, what happened to her?" Mom, "The same thing that's happened to women like us throughout the centuries. We are under siege, ladies. Our lives. Our very existence. Is always at risk. Know this or face extinction."

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