Headcannons 2 + Others + Facts

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Magic exists within KU's universe.

KU existed far before Lexeris when his territory was not unified except he was known as the Ambicias Treaty which more of a loose treaty that had existed since 5500BCE.

KU's territory consists of 7000 islands; albeit most of them are small and protected lands full of rare plants and small animals. Out of the 7000 islands 6463 of them are habitable; the other 537 are protected islands that the natives get permits for to visit for a couple hours with a guide. It's located in the Southern Ocean; the ocean waters in between New Zealand and Chile. The main island; which was and still is the main island of Lexeris, which houses the capital [the whole island is the capital].

KU's territory has a barrier reef along the side of Chile, many small coral reefs along New Zealand's side, has crystal clear waters surrounding the islands, a kelp forest bordering the outer islands and Antarctica, some small deep sea vents, some small gypsum gem underwater caves along the Antarctica coast, hot springs, beautiful flower fields, forests, rivers, small mountains, and rolling hills.

With KU being so old he has access to ancient magic and uses it to mask a LOT.

KU is fluent in fan and flower language.

KU likes puzzles; jigsaw puzzles to be exact.

Enjoys a word search from time to time but despises cross words.

KU can speak English; not very well, so every sentence he does say is usually in Uruni, Urani, or Latin unless stated otherwise. Since KU is so old his vocal cords are more use to and made for the rougher sounds of Urani and soft almost siren and angel sounds of Uruni.

-Urani is a language with darker tones and often holds words that have very dark or deranged meanings. Urani's language is a mix of actual words, hisses, low hums, growls, snarls, and this rattling noise meaning to convey meaning.

-Uruni is the lighter version of Urani but the two are still their own languages and are both very different. Uruni's language is a mix of actual words, hums, clicks, trills, and vague sharp and loud noises meant to convey meaning.

--Those who are not familiar with either language will assume that Uruni and Urani are the same language; Urani is the only one of the two that relies mostly on tone.

KU has a fabric that is both thin and insulates extremely well so most if not all of their cloths look thin, are thin, but very warm to wear.

KU doesn't like to wear close toed shoes.

The reason KU's motto is "Let those who wish for freedom lay safely in (my/our) lands and let those who infringe on that freedom be turned to ash blown in the wind" dates back to when KU was a "loose treaty" and the loose nations that existed at the time would treat their citizen like criminals.

The other CHs do not know that KU; as a union and by association the other three, exist. They think KU is an island country/nation named Kheo.

Most; is not all, of the KU nations/empire look the same in their human form with the exception of Lexeris who has black hair instead of chocolate brown and blue eyes instead of emerald green.

-Pethylis' human name is Natahscha. Physically looks early 20s.

-Euphehdora's human name is Llyier. Physically looks mid-late 20s.

-Lexeris' human name is Zephyr. Physically looks late 20s early 30s.

-KU physically looks 25-28.

Pethylis' exports are flowers, traditional hand-made items, gemstones, fabrics, spices, unique music, and hot spring tourism.

ListsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora