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WALKING INTO POTIONS THE next day shouldn't have felt like such a death sentence. Snape's classroom, since it was in the dungeon, was always accompanied by a cold draft. Students always found themselves bundling their robes and scarves tighter but it was a useless battle, the biting cold always made it through their school clothes and they'd be close to shivering by the time class was over.

"In your seats, in your seats," Snape said in his familiar, drawling hiss.

Immediately the class had been segregated into two sections, the calm blue of Ravenclaw on one side and green dressed Slytherins on the other.

Snape scanned the Ravenclaw side, eyes drawn to Adam and Quinn like they possessed a gravitational pull. Disdain wrinkled his features and his mouth curved into a sneer. "You think I don't know better than to let you two meatheads sit beside one another." It was a statement, not a question.

Quinn glanced over to where Charolette sat with Harrison, another Ravenclaw who occasionally made their trio a quartet.

"I won't be letting either of you sit with your other little friend either." His eyes slid over to Charolette and Harrison, not unlike a snake's. "Allen." Suddenly his beady little eyes were back on Quinn. "Swap seats with Lewis."

Quinn looked over to where Rylie Lewis sat, irritation plaster over her features as she glowered not so subtlety at Snape, a bold move all things considered.

"Well? Did I not give you an instruction?"

Quinn took her time grabbing her things, long enough for Riley to begin stacking her own items on the side of the desk that was once hers.

"Today, Allen."

"I'm working on it," she retorted, uncaring if her tone came across snippy.

"I'd appreciate less attitude." Snape stalked back to the front of his room. "For that, I will take five points from Ravenclaw."

Scowling and annoyed, Quinn took her new seat. She had seen this girl around, she was quiet and unassuming. Short and round, she was a welcoming figure especially when paired with the halo if dark curls that framed her face in an almost angelic manner.

"Don't know why you thought it was a good idea to try one of the most hard ass teachers here, but I assume you've realized it probably wasn't a good decision."

So much for quiet.

Quinn met the girl's stare. "What's your name?"

If she took offense to the blandly worded question, she didn't show it. "Nevaeh. Don't worry, I already know yours, Allen."

Quinn cringed. Allen is the name of a sixty year old man, surname or not, she did not enjoy the title.

"It's Quinn."

"I know that, too."

"What's wrong, Allen? Can't stand your muggle last name?" Draco Malfoy, of course he had to be sitting behind her.

His words bounced off her skin, deflected like armor defects a blade. She had been called a million foul names just for having muggle parents, a few more wouldn't kill her. Piss her off, surely, but anger was her natural state and a bit more of that wouldn't kill her either. The same couldn't be said for those around her, however.

"Piss off, Draco," Quinn replied, not bothering to turn around.

"Best not to engage," Nevaeh offered. "You know when kids cry at the grocery store once and they get candy so they cry every other time hoping for the same result."

Quinn looked at her, unsure of whether to be curious of where this odd analogy was going or to be irritated this girl (an acquaintance at best) was telling her how to run her life.

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