Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?

Wilhelm smiled. Because he couldn't do anything else. Simon's voice was like a balm for his soul. Like a blanket around his heart. When Simon stopped, he looked Wilhelm in the eye.
"That was the first time in days that I sang it right. Like without a misktake." Simon smiled like a child.
Wilhelm smiled back at him and put his hand on his shoulder. "Then I am somethig like your lucky charm." He took his hand away again, but the place he had touched Simon with was warm and familiar.

"Maybe." said Simon and began to make his tea. Wilhelm said no more and watched Simon make his tea. How his fingers slowly ran over the cup. It reminded him of wanting to watch Simon play the piano. He didn't know what the road in his brain was that led him there.

"How long have you been playing the piano?" he asked as Simon settled down next to him. "I don't know. I got a keyboard for Christmas and started teaching myself. Until I started composing stuff on my own." Simon said, smiling.

"Will you keep your promise?" asked Wilhelm.
"That I'll play something for you? If you insist, we can break into the music room and I'll show you a few things." Simon smiled, "Have you ever learned to play an instrument?" Wilhelm started nodding directly. "Yep. Erik and I were urged to learn a classical instrument. Erik was instructed to do so in his rebellious phase, so he didn't tell anyone he was learning guitar instead of violin. To be fair, he was really good at it. I chose piano, but I suck at it and haven't touched a piano since I was eighteen."

"I see." said Simon, drinking his now cooled tea completely in one go, standing up and putting the cup in the sink. Then he stood in front of Wilhelm and held out his hand. Wilhelm looked at him in confusion. "If I'm playing something for you, then you're playing something for me. So," Simon took a step toward Wilhelm and continued to hold out his hand. Wilhelm smiled and carefully took Simon's hand. "Lead the way for me."

If Wilhelm's hand could have burned when it touched Simon, his hand would now have been ashes. They walked through the corridors of the castle and bant their way to the music room, not letting go of eachother once. The first thing Wilhelm noticed was how close the music room actually was to his. After a few minutes, Wilhelm opened the door and let Simon in ahead of him.

Simon let his fingers slide over the piano and opened it. "Come on, Crown Prince. Play something for me." Wilhelm shook his head with a grin but settled down at the piano. Simons just sat down next to him. He was so close to him and Boris' words were playing in his head again.

He had no idea what to play. He put his fingers on the piano and started the beginning of Ylang Ylang, one of his favorite pieces. The only thing he would probably have to know. And he could. His fingers practically flew over the keys and while he played only the single notes with his left hand, simon began to play the accompaniment with his left. Wilhelm laughed and continued playing after he caught a glimpse of Simon.
Said smiled and if Wilhelm was not mistaken, Simon slid closer to him.

When they were done, Wilhelm turned to Simon. One of his curls was not in the right place. Wilhelm raised his hand, hesitated, but tucked the curl behind Simon's ear. Simon, still slightly smaller than Wilhelm even though they were sitting, looked up at him.

The moonlight shone in his face and Wilhelm studied his opposite a little more.
"I'm nervous about tomorrow." Simon whispered. And Wilhelm just hugged him. Pulled him closer than he already was. He hugged him, hoping to take away any fear. "You can do it," he said.

Wilhelm slowly withdrew from the hug, but did not separate from Simon completly. Simon's arms were still wrapped around Wilhelm's waist and Wilhelm's arms over Simons shoulders. Wilhelm looked at the face of his opposite. His eyes went from Simon's curls to the brown shining eyes and to his mouth.
Wilhelm began to breathe through his mouth, feeling his breath catch in surprise. Simon looked up at him and carefully licked his lower lip before biting it lightly. And that was the point where Wilhelm felt the need to...

kiss him.

"Wilhelm..." breathed Simon. Wilhelm let his hands go to either side of Simon's face and let his forehead fall against said. "Simon..." said Wilhelm in a whisper, barely audible. Simon lifted his head slightly, so that his mouth was only millimeters from Wilhelm's. Something was brewing in Wilhelm's chest, but he didn't really know what.

Nervousness? Knowledge? Excitment?

He had to know what it was. And so he closed the small, barely existing distance between them and his lips met Simon's. It was neither nevosity, nor knowing, nor was it excitment. It was...

A/N So, that happend :]

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