Chapter 7: A Reunion for the Future

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After everyone was gone and the guards removed 4 chairs so that only 2 chairs remained, there was an awkward silence and then I turned to get a good look on the wizard, he had a galaxy colored gown: blue, purple and white with a lot of dots that appeared to be stars, he also had a white beard, not as long as Disney's Merlin to my disappointment, with star designs made out of different colors and lastly he had glasses maybe because of his age or because he has wisdom. He was old but I see and feel that he has a powerful sense of respect and justice.

"Good evening everybody, I'm so glad to see you all in good health " said the unknown wizard

"It's also good to see you again, Master Galaxy" said Mom

"So your name its Galaxy" I said

"That right my boy my name is Thyderos Galaxy and Tanker, old friend, what is the purpose for you to assemble a meeting and most importantly: WHY DID YOU BRING THESE HUMANS HERE?!" said Galaxy in a angry tone

"Master, don worry, he's the son of Elena Centerial, Artemis Mythical" said Tanker touching my elbows 

"Ohh, I havent seen her in years but why did you bring her son" said Galaxy 

"Galaxy, he found the staff" said Tanker with a serious tone

The room was suddenly quiet until Galaxy get up from the shair and walk close to me and Tanker and said 

"Really, that incredible news Tanker" said Galaxy inspecting me 

"I'm sorry Master Galaxy but I'm afraid that I don't know what are you talking about" I said

"Its okay Artemis, soon you will understand everything" said Galaxy

Then he motioned for us to follow him and then we are back in the halls of the Stained Glass Windows and the weird thing is that we stop in front of an old one that shows the Legend of King Arthur.

"I suppose you know about the Legend of King Arthur and Merlin Ambrosius" said Galaxy

"Yeah, it's the most famous legend in my town" I said

"Well then, I think it's better if we start from there, Tanker, will you please tell it?, you know the story more that I remember" said Galaxy

"With pleasure, Master" said Tanker

Then, Eddie took a bag of popcorn out of his coat and offered me some, I wonder when he get that but not an issue right now. I take popcorn and then Tanker began his story

"The Legend Of the Wizard Knight":

"After the death of King Arthur, wizards and humans were finally at peace until a young apprentice called Alastor E. Clypse discovered an old type of magic that was never develop further that it was theorize that this magic could overstep all kinds of magic. The power begin to go to his head believing that he was the most powerful wizard of all and that this magic was more higher than all enchantments and then he begin to cause chaos all around The Magic Realm to let them know that his magic was the most powerful of all but then his magic begin to curse him for using it for much: hes body is turning purple with the power of the magic and it will kill him but sloly. After that, so he began to look for a way to stop this while his wife was giving birth to his son but unfortanaly, she died at child birth. He figured out that he needed to destroy magic in order to stop his curse but only one wizard had the strength to put an end to his rein: Alakazar Spellight, he and Arthur were friends from the 5 century so with permision he created from the remains of Arthur's Sword a new sword based of all the elementals incantations named "Elentaris Gladius'' or " The Elemental Sword", with the sword created, he battle Alastor to the death with a special battle suit, the battle get to a finish when Alakazar used all the elemental incantations in one blow to banish him to hell like prison:  The Dark Caves of the Darkvilion Realm, a realm that was excluded from the realm and now is serves as a banishing ground for all evil, for eternity but the price to pay was too much: in order to banish him, he needed to use all his magic to cast the teletransportation spell, using that, weaked all his body and then he died in the process. Legend tells that when he died he put one last spell to the closest thing he got: the sword, saying this magical words: "However gets my sword will be blessed with the power to serve and protect both humans and wizards so rise up and become the Wizard Knight'' and just like that he die leaving only his memorie and his legacy: "The Wizards Knights''

"That's the whole story, My Boy" said Tanker finishing the story

I was surprise beyond belief and I saw the last glass witch is the sword with the last of the Wizard Knight, I assume it to be with his name in the botton: Heidrien Mindslayer. So everything that he say was amazing but there's still something not explain

"This is cool and awesome but what does this have to do with me?" I said

"Oh yeah, it has to do with you because it's your job now because you, Dear Boy, are The Wizard Knight" said Tanker

My smile drop all the way to paris, I was in shock and but then it all started to click for me, the chase, the staff, everything but why me???

"Why me Tanker, I mean, I'm very surprised and honored about this but this responsibility is so much bigger than me, it should be with a more skilled person like...." I said

"LIKE ME!!!!"

I saw someone running to us, a guy who has a uniform orange and green, with blonde hair, blue eyes and much taller than me I say my height is not the tallest we say but I am not tiny either anywho he run to us but first he kneeled before the master and say

"I'm sorry for barging like this, Master Galaxy" said the stranger

"It's okay Trachean, please tell me why you are here???" said Galaxy

"Allow me to be The Wizard Knight, even thought I was never chosen, I think I will be a better choice than this human" said Aldrian

"Perdoname pero yo soy mas que un humano, algo que parece que tu no tienes hijo de..." I said

"YOUNG CENTRIX, you know more than anyone else that this is not a matter of destiny, is matter of choice and staff choose him and My Boy, please have some respect, we are in front of sacred halls here" said Tanker

"Tanker is right, this reunion is for the future of our realm and all the realms that exist in the great beyond so we are sorry, Centrix" said Galaxy

After that, he left and Galaxy said 

"But of course we are not bad people, I can presence that this is troubling you Artemis" 

Hes right, this is a lot to take in than the ending of Spiderman Across the Spiderverse, who am I kidding, nothing can compare the ending of that movie 

"So we are gonna give you time to accept this and see what you say, Okay My Boy" said Tanker interumping my train of thought 

"Thank you, both of you, Ill be back" I said leaving the room 


"Hey, Jake why did you decided to put LGTB+ in this story? said a wolf

I put down my computer to see Loki D. Wolf , he is an anthropomorphic wolf that has a shirt with a skull with the peace symbol and he is editor of the novel

"Well, just so you know, I been watching this kind of representation since I was little, mostly was lesbian, and I was fascinated with all the shows I watch so I came here and say: What the h-e-double stick, why not?. The story doesn't put romance as a primary genre but they are here, alive and never ignored, Im sure in the future I will come out with a story with romance and of course LGTB so thats the reason but why the question?" I said 

"Because I love the story but I find it a little uncomfortable" said Loki

"Oh really then why are you reading that overrated manga called Heaven Official's Blessing?" I said uncovering his lies

"Heaven Official's Blessing is not overated, its a manga masterpiece invented by the heavens itself, anyway no one is gay there, after all there's only one couple and that's the protagonists: one man and women falling for each other, so beautiful" said Loki

"Dude, really?, look it up in the internet" I said almost holding up my laugh

"Why?" said Loki confused

"Just do it" I said 

Loki look it up and then he kneel down in the ground in fetal position and say

"My life has been a lie" said Loki with the "just kill me now" tone 

"Sorry about that buddy and for you readers, Until Next Time!!!"

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