Chapter 4: The Truth is Hard to Swallow

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"WHAT IS THIS MOM ????!!!!!" I said

"Son" said Mom


"Mijo" said Mom


"SI TE CALLAS TE PUEDO EXPLICAR" said Mom already losing her patience

I always get afraid once she start talking spanish in an angry tone so I begin shut the hole that spits out words and sit down to on the couch next to Eddie, who was again eating popcorn and more excited than usual so I made reacted so he can listen to my mother story

"I WANT 10 GIRLS....,AHHHH DID I MISS SOMETHING?" said Eddie reacting 

"No but you are about to, continue Mom" I said

"Okay to understand better the present, there is no better way to work things out than to take a trip to memory lane into the past" said Mom

Flashback to an unknown time:

"A long time ago, after dinosaurs left the earth, humans began to try to survive in a world unknown to them until a few of the first humans figured out a way to transmit energy of our bodies into our hands in order to create man discovery of fire. After that, many humans have acquired the gift of magic and passed it down from generation to generation. Thanks to that, thousands of beings were born into the world: dragons, mermaids, elfs, centuars, trolls and so much more until one day, a wizard with magic more powerful than anything that everyone ever seen set a war between magic kind and his belief of what magic can truly be. In the middle of that, I was born and live with my parents until one day that change, I was getting ready to face "The Nevergand Trials'', a set of 5 trials to determine if I enter to Archibald's School of Wizardry, I remember that I really wanted to enter, I even train 3 times a week to prepare for this, It was my biggest dream when I was a teen but dreams easily fall apart.I enter the trials to pass the first 3 trials I was getting ready for the fourth challenge but then a strong enemy fall from the sky and then begin terrorizing the citizens I was shock from all the destruction, of course a lot strong wizards begin to take control of the situation so there's was nothing to worry about but then one of the competitors was stuck in a puddle of rocks and i couldn't just left her there so i get close to her

"I'm coming hang on" I said

"Hurry up, it hurts" said the orange hair girl

I used my magic to get the rocks out of the way but then the monster take a look at me and then the other girl and said:

"What do we have here, a new insect for my lunch"

"If you want her, you have to go over me" I said

So instead of getting over me, he said a strange incantation and begin to do a strange spell:


He launched the spell in my direction and I dodged it with luck. He began launching the same spell multiple times and I dodged all of them, I guess I am pretty awesome. Then, he point to the orange girl and shot the spell, I begin run to that direction so I can protect her, when I got there, I shot my spell at the same time that his spell arrived it dodged the girl but I got hit in my left eye and by the impact I got knocked out and then I hear mother before I lost conscience

"ELENA, CARIÑO RESISTE!!!!!" said my Mother (my parents speak English but they are also fluent in a language called Spanish, me too but I need more.)

After the incident, I woke up in the Toninson's Hospital with both of my parents where there, then the doctor a centaur like men arrive:

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