"JIM! GARY! Come here!" They yell for their husbands.

"Hi baby, Hi Jack" Gary sticks his face into the camera.

"They're dating" Kenzie's mom says looking up to her husband

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Gary screams as Jim says "HALLELUJAH"

"Oh my god, Now i'm a hundred times more excited to see you guys. We cannot wait. Have fun, We will see you guys soon. We love you guys." Julie says to Kenzie and Jack. They both say "Love youuuu" back before hanging up the call.
— a few hours later—

The group are getting ready for a bonfire at the beach with everyone.

Kenzie slips on a mini skirt and a bra looking top with some converse and heads downstairs and grabs a drink to take with her on the way to the beach.

"You look beautiful as always, Baby." He tilts his head down to his girlfriend for a kiss.

-They arrive at the beach-

"Hey guys!" Kenzie says to the Umich boys as they all stand up giving Kenzie a hug and dapping Jack up

"Look who's fucking here." Ethan says to the pair, Who look over a few feet down to see a group of Minnesota hockey boys who are side eyeing Kenzie from a short distance looking up and down.

"Hey! Why are you talking to those pussies? Come here beautiful, We'll show you a good time." One of the boys yell as Jack instantly shoves his way through, Beginning to go up to them as Kenzie grabs his arm making him stop.

"Jack it's okay, They're obviously just trying to get under your skin." She says softly looking at the boy calming him down.

"Yeah, And trying to get in your skirt." He says back with anger in his voice ready to start a problem.

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY GIRL. One fucking look at her, I'll fuck all of you guys up." Jack shouts while Kenzie is still grasping his arm holding tight as the group of boys scoff and walk away.

"Fucking douches." Luca says through his teeth.  "We got you Kenzie. let any of us know if they say something to you."

"Thanks Luca" Kenzie smiles at the boy who gives her a soft smile back.

"Where's Mark?" Kenzie asks the group noticing he's missing as Jack looks down at her with a 'wtf' look on his face.

"Mark went up to his aunts for a few days, He'll be at your house for the fourth with us." Luca replies.

Jack scoffs then walks away from the group clearly mad at Kenzie's concern to where Mark was.

"Jack! Are you serious?" Kenzie says trying to go after him.

She ends up giving up And going off to Alex and a bunch of her friends instead, Giving Jack some time to cool off.

"I'm gonna get another drink real quick." She tells Alex who she's been talking to for a while now.

"You want me to come with?" He offers to go with Kenzie.

"No, No, It's okay. I'll be right back. Keep talking to them." She says turning away going towards the coolers placed near the entrance of the beach.

Kenzie opens the cooler up finding a drink she wanted until she sees someone coming up to her.

"Finally caught you without your little boyfriend. Hi i'm Jake." The blonde Minnesotan hockey player introduces himself as Kenzie just scoffs and turns away not wanting to even look at the guy.

"Your wasting your time with that guy. I can give you a real good time." The boy adds, Grabbing her wrist and turning her towards him.

"Literally fuck off." Kenzie snaps, Pulling away from his hold with a higher tone in her voice trying to make this guy take the hint to walk away which he doesn't take.

"Why don't you just give me a chance to show you?" The boy says, grasping onto her waist from behind and pulling her towards him.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME." She cries out as the entire party goes silent and rushes over in their direction.

"KENZIE!" Alex yells as him and Cole run over to her in a split second.

"WOAH, What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Cole says through his teeth to Jake shoving him as Alex pulls Kenzie away from the scene, Throwing an arm over her as she hugs him scared of what just happened.

"You're fucking sick. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER." Alex says stepping next to Cole getting in his face "Don't ever fucking come near her again."

"And what the fuck are you two gonna do about it?" The boy scoffs again

Jack sees a crowd form and rushes through, Trying to gather what has happened through people whispering and talking.

Alex lunges towards Jake punching him as Cole lays another one on him.

Jack pushes through everyone ripping Alex and Cole off of the guy and throwing a punch himself, Causing Jake to fall back on the ground as Jack gets on top of him and starts pounding his face in not pausing once.

"Don't you EVER show your fucking face in this town ever again. I'm gonna fucking kill you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Jack yells completely red with anger holding the guy up from his shirt lifting his head from the ground.

The beaten up guy groans "Ok bro. Okay." He says in pain as jack drops his head back on the floor and gets up and rushes over to Kenzie, Immediately pulling the girl into his chest.

"Are you okay? I am so sorry baby. I'm sorry for ever getting mad and not being with you. It's all my fault" He repeatedly apologizes to her, Not letting go of her.

"It's not your fault. I'm okay. But I don't want you to be jealous of Mark, Okay? I mean I did leave him for you. That should say enough. Me and Mark are still friends though but that's all it'll ever be. I only want you." The girl reassures him

"I know, I know. I'm sorry for getting mad at that. It's just it takes me back to a dark place when you were with him and I couldn't have you. And it would break me if i ever saw it happen again. I love you baby." He kisses her head a million times.

"I love you too." She says back as Jack interwines his fingers with hers.

"Let's go home, We'll have a movie night." He says to her as she nods bundling up to his arm as the two walk home.

The lake house <3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang