"are you sure?" ajax makes a noise of confirmation, "i don't remember it all but he said everytime he touches me i hope that this is the moment that he kills me. he's not well."

it's silent. ajax doesn't know what to respond to him with- ajax can't respond to him especially with this new information. he can hear ayato take a shaky breath as nobody speaks. ajax feels as if he can't utter a word.

"do the cops know who-" ajax begins only for ayato to promptly cut him off.

"no, not at all. they hardly have anything- their suspect list is quite honestly, laughable." ayato chuckles dryly.


ayato sighs on the other line, "one of them is kazuha's own father."

his father? ajax has seen him around a few times before the whole incident and he seemed like a nice man. he would always help around the community with kazuha. he would smile so widely that it seemed as if he were the sun itself. but as of late it had seemed like a light switch had just turned off, making him and the whole world dark around him. it made sense to ajax- somebody had taken his son, there was no way he could live without what was practically his whole world.

"they're also thinking it's haruki."

ajax is silent. of course, it makes sense- he was the last person to see him. haruki could never do such a thing, well, as far as he knows. he tries not to suspect him but it's so easy to with how he was the last person to see him and just how he acts over-all.

"you know that's not true." ajax whispers in the case that haruki could have woken up and be listening to his phone call.

ayato doesn't speak for a moment. he can hear the soft clinking of dishes in the background and some tv show on with recorded laughter playing.

"i don't know that." ayato says simply and ajax frowns, furrowing his brows.

"are you serious?" ajax breathes out. ayato had probably hear his quiet anger on the other line, despite how hard ajax tried to keep it under control. "haruki has done nothing and even despite that, you all want to believe it's him."

"it's nothing against him."

"no, it very much is! he's trying so hard to help and yet you still believe that he may be the one who took him!" ajax can't control his volume as he practically shouts at ayato.

"i'm sorry." ayato apologizes and all ajax can do is furrow his brows as he stays on the phone.

"what are you sorry for?" ajax says exasperated, "you haven't done anything. you're just- i don't know, but-"

"i wasn't talking about this." ayato cuts him off abruptly, "you know what i mean. i was a child- a rude child, but still one. i shouldn't have done that to you."

"now really isn't the right time to apologize, you know that?"

ayato nods but he realizes the other cannot see him, "... right. i should have realized that."

ajax nods and he knows that ayato can tell as ayato continues speaking, softer this time.

"i miss you."

OUR WORD / KAZUSCARAWhere stories live. Discover now