"Thank you," I say as Terro and Ulric join us. Each of them looking a little worse for wear. They don their military uniforms and stoic expressions, hiding the sadness that is no doubt consuming them.

Ulric wraps his arm around Ashavee's waist, and they share a smile that is like balm for my weary soul. If Ashavee alone wasn't proof of the peace that can exist between our kingdoms, their budding relationship is. They seem to have embraced their differences, and dare I say it, enjoy them.

"I'd like to oversee the task of bringing the Cyffred home," Ulric says.

It shouldn't surprise me that Ulric would face those wretched fields and the beings who abused him if it meant helping our people. When it comes to doing the right thing, he has never been one to back down. He will forever wear the stripes of his convictions across his back and would endure them again for what's right.

I glance at Terro. "And you?"

He rubs his palm along his jaw and shakes his head. "I'm needed here. Basecamp has seen a lot of changes recently and I want to remain a constant."

I grip his hand and give it a squeeze before turning back to Ulric. "And after the Cyffreds are home, what will you do then?"

He runs his hand down Ashavee's spine and looks at her with such admiration. The moment when the shifters bowed before her, he took a knee as well. I didn't feel betrayed or as if his loyalties to Pliris were any less. I understood the gesture all too well. He serves Pliris, but his heart is held by her.

"After they are free," Ulric glances up in thought, and then says, "Perhaps a promotion in rank." I lift a brow and Terro snorts a chuckle. "Emissary between Pliris and Allaji."

"That's a bold request," Ashavee says.

"Aye. And a job I have a knack for. I did get ya to admit that you think I'm handsome."

"Does it count if you annoy them into submission?" Terro playfully asks.

It is nice to see their banter, even if it is laced with the hurt of loss.

Ashavee crosses her arms and pretends to ignore them, but I catch the quick glance she sends Ulric's way with the slight uptick of her lips.

"We'll see about the promotion, but it's a good idea that you be there for the release. The Cyffreds will need a face they trust to get them through it," I say.

Ulric pulls me into a hug. "Thank you, Elle."

"Take it easy on the teasing. Ashavee has a hard road ahead of her and will need all the support she can get."

He gives me a nod that says he is up for the challenge and takes the Allaji queen's hand.

I watch them walk away before wrapping my arms around my waist and turning back to Terro. "Are you sure you want to stay here?"

It's not so much that I doubt his love for this place. Basecamp is his home. I just worry that the constant reminders of Greer might be hard on him. Will he have a reprieve from those memories of her death that are sure to haunt us all? I'd hate for him to buckle under that sadness because he can't escape it. Then again, being at Basecamp has a way of strengthening one in ways they never thought possible.

He scans the burning pyres and the soldiers gathered in groups around the field. "There is still work to be done with the integration of the Stigian warriors into our ranks. Not to mention that they've lost three of the best generals this army has ever seen. Like I said, I want to remain a constant for them, try my best to hold it all together."

I drape my arm over his shoulders and say, "Just remember that there is always a royal guard uniform with your name on it, if you want it."

Terro pats my hip and we let each other go. "I will, Elle."

Crown of Fire (Book 3 in the Crown Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now