"Thanks. How you been?"

"Good. Busy. Finally got a couple minutes away from the shield and the boat, thought I'd come see how my favorite fossil is doing on your own."

"Same old, same old."

"That's the problem, man. You gotta start putting yourself out there."

"I don't know, Sam. Things are...I'm better. This is good for now."

Sam watched him take a sip of his beer before he turned and put his back to the bar, looking out at the dance floor. "Alright. Let's shake things up. Pick your poison."


"What do you like? Blondes? Brunettes? Slim? Full figure? Red heads? I'm not sure you're ready for a red head-"


"Come on, man. Humor me."

Bucky took a final swig of his beer before slamming the bottle on the bar. "Goodbye, Sam."

"Wait, Buck. I'm messing with you, man!" Sam turned as Bucky rose, starting to leave and smacking right into a woman approaching the bar. He watched as the woman fell back, slipping in a puddle of spilled beer, and Bucky quickly caught her elbows and righted her.

"Sorry," Bucky muttered, as he glanced at Sam out of the corner of his eye, hoping Sam wouldn't take the opportunity to set him up.

"Again? Seriously?"

Sam took in the woman who stood before him. Her dark, curly hair floated around her face, past the middle of her back. She wore a forest green v-neck camisole with lace trim at the top, dark jeans, a light gray 3/4 sleeve blazer and a long simple necklace with a feather charm dangling from the middle by her waist. She shifted on her red pumps in frustration at Bucky blocking her way to the bar.


The woman's gaze shifted past the man in front of her to Sam and her eyes widened in surprise. "Samantha!"

"Samantha?" Bucky muttered, confused, as Sam rose from his seat and hugged the small woman. She barely reached past his chin in her heels.

Sam groaned. "Still haven't moved past that?"

"Oh, I'm never letting you live that down. God, it's been so long. How have you been?"

"Good, good." Sam gestured to his seat at the bar, offering it to her. "Let me apologize for my friend and his severely lacking social skills. Kat, this is-"

"James." There was no warmth in his greeting, Sam gave Bucky a weird look upon hearing his formal name. He didn't realize yet, but Bucky had taken to using his given name for anonymity. Too many people had heard of Sergeant Bucky Barnes. With his short hair and gloves, people didn't recognize him as the Winter Soldier as easily, though he'd had more people approach him since the Flag Smasher incident.

"We've met." Kat's smile cooled a bit as she looked at Bucky.

"You have?" Sam glanced between them, confused.

"He nearly ran me over on my way to the bathroom earlier. Didn't even stop to-"

"I was distracted." Bucky stated matter of factly. He knew she looked familiar. Sam was definitely going to let him have it for this.

Gravity - B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now