Chapter 20 |Tender delights|

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Every brush of your fingertips on my skin feels like a gentle breeze, caressing me with the tenderness of a butterfly's delicate touch. As your lips meet mine, their softness ignites a fire within, like the warmth of a glowing ember against the night sky. With each nibble of your teeth, my senses awaken, as if I am savoring the delectable sweetness of a ripe, succulent fruit. And when your tongue dances upon my skin, it is as if a cascade of velvet petals is cascading over me, leaving trails of pleasure in its wake. From fingers to lips to teeth to tongue, your touch is a symphony of sensations, tailor-made for my skin to revel in.


The clock struck midnight, and the darkness enveloped Meerab, stretching on endlessly. She lay in bed, desperate for slumber, but it eluded her grasp despite her tireless efforts. Restlessness consumed her as she tossed and turned, her mind racing with thoughts that refused to quiet down. A surge of frustration coursed through her veins, intensifying with each passing moment. Unable to bear the throbbing pain in her head any longer, she surrendered to defeat and sat upright, cradling her aching skull. The relentless ache seemed to penetrate every fiber of her being, rendering sleep an unattainable dream.

In the dimly lit room, Meerab's gaze drifted across the shadows, until it finally settled on Murtasim lying next to her. The sight of him, peacefully asleep, stirred something deep within her. His breathing, soft and steady, created a delicate rhythm that resonated through the silence, soothing her troubled mind. As she observed him, it became apparent that he was immersed in a profound slumber, undisturbed by the inner turmoil that relentlessly plagued Meerab.

A mixture of weird feelings welled up inside her, causing a knot to form in her stomach. She pressed her trembling fingers against her temples, desperately trying to calm the headache. A cold sweat began to form on her neck, each droplet a testament to the overwhelming weight she carried. The heaviness pressed down upon her, threatening to suffocate her very being.

Meerab was suddenly overcome with a powerful wave of nausea, as if a storm was brewing in her stomach. The sensation was so intense that it felt as though the room was spinning around her. In a desperate struggle to prevent herself from succumbing to the urge to vomit, she quickly rose from the bed, her legs feeling weak and unsteady beneath her. With her hand pressed firmly against her mouth, she fought back the rising bile as she hurriedly made her way towards the bathroom.

 She reached out and grabbed the door knob, steadying herself as she opened the door. She stumbled inside, feeling an another wave of nausea wash over her. Her stomach churned and she quickly made her way to the toilet, barely managing to make it before she vomited.

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