Chapter 10 |Her Home|

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The sky outside was dark, illuminated only by the occasional streak of lighting, painting the landscape in an eerie glow

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The sky outside was dark, illuminated only by the occasional streak of lighting, painting the landscape in an eerie glow. The soft pitter-patter of the rain could be heard and seen through the large French windows, and the room was dimly lit. The curtains, billowing in the air, seemed to dance like a chorus of sylphs, offering her comfort, solace and a tad bit of nervousness too.

The rain was like a gentle whisper from the sky, calming her nerves and easing her stress. The deep, rumbling thunder echoed in her chest, sending her heart racing. The dim light played tricks on her eyes, creating shadows and shapes that seemed to dance in the corners.

Meerab lay on the bed, her eyes wide open and filled with a sense of self-consciousness. An eerie feeling had been in the air of the haveli lately, making her uncomfortable and uneasy. The rain helped to soothe the feeling, washing away the anxiousness that had been building in her chest. She felt a lightness in her heart as she lay there, the thunder a distant reminder of the storm outside. Eventually, the steady rhythm of the rain and the distant thunder lulled her into a deep sleep, the feeling of unease slowly fading away. Her eyes grew heavy and her breathing deepened until she was lost in a dreamless sleep, the gentle patter of rain outside her window the only sound.


Murtasim got out of the shower, his feet silently padding against the cold stone floor. His skin was still damp as he carefully opened the door and stepped into the quiet room. He could feel Meerab's slow, steady breath against his back as he moved past the bed and towards the window. He parted the curtains and peered outside, allowing the soft rain to lightly kiss his skin.

Murtasim felt a coolness run through him as he stepped away from the window. He enjoyed the room's peace and serenity.

He walked softly over to the bed, his gaze lingering on the beautiful sight before him. Meerab lay there, her long dark brown hair spread out over the pillow, her chest moving with each gentle breath. In the dim yellow glow of the lamp, Meerab's features looked even softer and her skin had a warm and inviting hue.

Murtasim's eyes raked over her form, noticing her delicate features and slender frame. She looked peaceful and ethereal. Her porcelain skin glowed in the low light. Her long dark hair cascaded around her. Her lips were slightly parted and she had a soft smile and subconsciously to him, a soft smile adorned his face too. Her long dark brown hair was illuminated with a golden hue, the gentle curves of her body visible beneath the... that's when his eyes saw her appearance.

Her in his white shirt, he felt his breath catch and his heart skip a beat. He could feel his features heating up. He got this sudden urge to reach out and touch her, to touch her skin beneath his fingertips. He also wanted to run his hands through her hair.

His eyes moved down and got stuck in the fact that the shirt was dangerously hanging off her thigh. This revealed a glimpse of her smooth, toned legs. He felt his heart racing as he looked at her thighs. His mouth turned dry as he imagined running his hands all over her body. Even when she was sleeping, her presence had the power to capture his heart. He felt the same warmth and longing as he looked at her sleeping form. He wanted to curl up next to her and feel her gentle breathing against his skin. He wanted to feel his hands running through her hair and his lips softly brushing against her forehead. He wanted to take her in his arms and keep her safe beside him forever.

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