Chapter 12 |Ardor|

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Breakfast was a silent affair, the only sound being that of folk, spoon and the poring of juices

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Breakfast was a silent affair, the only sound being that of folk, spoon and the poring of juices. The air was filled with conversation, with the occasional cutlery clink. The smell of freshly brewed coffee.

Meerab sat next to Murtasim. Her eyes lowered as she stirred her coffee. She listened to the conversations around her, picking up snippets here and there.
She was aware of Murtasim's presence next to her, feeling his gaze on her every now and then, but she kept her head down and more remained more focused on how the designs were on the plate rather than eating anything.

She felt a bit awkward as she sat as a newly wed next to her husband and her parents sat in front of them, quietly observing the two of them.

She was lost in her thoughts when she suddenly jolted in her place, feeling a touch lingering from her ankle to her lower calf. She quickly glanced up to see Murtasim's eyes fixed on her, a slight smirk on his lips as he continued to eat.

She quickly glanced around the room to see if anyone noticed anything and sighed in relief when she saw that everyone was too busy with their own conversations to have noticed what just happened.

She tried to subtly move her leg away when she felt his rough hands against her thigh, but he had a tight grip and refused to let go.

She felt his fingers pressing against her thigh under the table, keeping her in place as he continued to eat, his eyes still fixed on her.

She felt a chill run down her spine as she felt his hand slowly move higher, his fingers softly tracing circles on her skin. She felt her heart racing and her cheeks growing hot as she felt his rough hands move up her thigh, resting on the top of her leg.

She could not move or speak, her lips parting with the new sensation she experienced. Her body on the verge of betraying her and her eyes on the verge of drooping close.
He leaned closer ,his fingers now applying pressure on her skim as he whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her skin as he said, "You look beautiful today".

Ma Begum shook her head seeing them. "I understand your desperation Murtasim. But you need to keep this behind the closed doors of your room," she said, her voice laced with sternness but a hint of teasing.

Meerab turned red hearing Ma Begum, but Murtasim kept his poker face on, not giving any hint of embarrassment or discomfort. Everybody on the table gave a chuckle upon hearing it.

While Haya fumed with jealousy, she tried to keep a straight face, not wanting to give away her feelings. She bit her lip and tried to stay composed as her eyes darted between Murtasim and Meerab.

Ma Begum cleared her throat, grabbing everybody's attention towards her. "Now, let's move on to the topic of our discussion," she said as she looked around the table. Everyone nodded in agreement and shifted their focus towards her.

Ma Begum continued, "So as I said, Haya's in-laws are coming today evening to fix her and Rohail's Nikah date. I hope you will be in your best form. Especially the newlywed Meerab and Murtasim. Get ready and make sure you wear something appropriate and look your finest. After all, it's a momentous occasion and it is considered lucky for newlyweds to grace the moment with their presence. Also we'll most probably try to fix it after Meerab and Murtasim's walima." She finished looking at everybody to see if they all were okay with it.

Terebin ff - Amorously YoursМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя