𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟐𝟓

Start from the beginning

“Okay, time to brainwash you.”

I laugh, “no way. I’m not letting you erase these stories from my head.”

Jameson sighs, “I’m in trouble.”

I nod not hiding my smile, “thanks for tonight. I had a lot of fun.”

“Me too.” he gives me one of his lazy smiles- my favorite ones.

“Well,” I take a step back towards my car, “I should head out.”

“Right.” he shoves his hand in his pockets, “drive safe. Text me when you get home.”

“I will.” I say getting into my car, I shut the door and start the car. I look out the window to find Jameson still standing out. He waves at me before I drive away from his house.


“How was dinner at your boyfriend’s?”

Alan’s voice startles me as I walk into the apartment. I almost jumped and screamed.

“Geez, you scared me.” I breathe out with my hands placed on my chest.

“Oh come on, I’m not dad.”

“Of course not. You’re way nicer.” I plop myself on the couch and release a sigh. When I notice Alan hasn’t taken his seat, I turn my head towards him where he’s leaning against the counter, “what?”

“I have something to tell you.” he breathes out like he’s been holding his breath for a while.

I sit up, worried, “did you rob a bank?”

“No.” he takes a deep breath, “I-”

Mom walks out of her room, our heads turn, “oh, you’re home.” she makes her way towards me to place a kiss on my forehead, I smile, “how was dinner?”

“Good.” Mom sits beside me, “his family is really nice and they seem to really like me.”

“Of course they would.” Mom kisses my cheeks, “you’re adorable.”


“Did your brother tell you the news?”

I frown, “what news?”

“I’m proposing to Eva tomorrow.”

I freeze. I let his words sink in.

I’m proposing to Eva tomorrow.

Oh my God. Oh. My. God.

I look at Alan, “you’re going to get married.” I whisper.


I cover my mouth, my eyes sting with tears. Since when I’m emotional?

He’s going to propose!

“I’m so happy for you!” I quickly get up and rush towards him to give him a hug, he hugs back, his muscles relaxing, “you’re so lucky.”

He chuckles, “thanks.” we pull away from the hug, “do you want to see the ring?”

“Of course!”

Alan takes out a small box from his pocket. As soon as he opens it, the diamond shines in the room. I muffle a gasp.

“It’s so pretty. I can hear her say yes.”

I look up at my brother who’s smiling at the ring.

He deserves it.

We both turn our attention to our mother who’s sniffling and wiping her tears. We’re quick to go to her and wrap her in a trio hug.

“Don’t worry, mom. Eva will make sure he knows his manners.” My not-so-funny joke earns me a chuckle from mom and a boring stare from my brother.

“I’m just so happy for you.” Mom kisses his cheeks, “treat her well, okay?”

“I promise.” Alan says with a smile.

I leave my mother and my brother to talk while I head to my room to change. I send a quick text to Jameson telling him that I’m home and the news of Alan proposing to Eva.

I take a quick shower, change into my hoodie and shorts, say goodbye to Alan before he leaves then climb in my sheets.

While I stare at the ceiling, I replay my dinner with Jameson.

It was hard not to notice that Jameson was close to me more than ever tonight. While I was with Jane, he had his arm around my waist. During dinner when I was talking to Kate, he sneaked his hand under the table to put it on my thigh. He kept me close for the whole night and I liked it.

But I can’t read too much into his gestures. He did all this to convince his family that we’re dating.

All of our gestures are for show.

Except for ones that happen when we’re alone.

I pick up my phone from my night stand when I hear a notification ding.

A smile takes over my lips as I stare at the text.

You’re dancing with me at the wedding, genius.

𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now