Chapter 20- Vince's Office

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Shawn's POV

After the whole elevator incident, the three of us grabbed coffee and a little breakfast nearby. Gules picked the place since she's the expert of this area. It wasn't bad at all, but then again I couldn't tell you what it tasted like.

I was mulling over the details of what happened before we got here. Why was Scott so touchy? He acted like a total dick back there. Scott had acted totally fine up until today towards Gules.

Something awakened inside me that I have never experienced. This instinctual feeling of protection over her. I didn't give a shit about myself in this business since I was in good with Vin man. I feared no one.

When Scott grabbed her I felt fear and rage. If he ever put his hands on her again, he'd be in a cast. Also, what the fuck was all that about her wanting an excuse to touch him? Is he that sore over my girl not wanting him? He's used to getting girls, but not this time and he was damn well gonna get the hell over it.

I know Gules could handle herself, but I cared for her. No one would hurt her. This feeling is so foreign to me and I can't turn it off. As I shoved my food in my mouth, I thought of putting the word out to the others about Razor. One thing is for sure, Bret would have no problem keeping his eye out. He had some sort of interest in Gules, so I'd have to be careful he knows what's up.

I can't say the man had bad taste in women since clearly we had the same. My thoughts were broken by Gules' voice.

"Shawn? Are you okay?" She asked me and put her hand on my shoulder. Hunter just stared as he shoveled more toast into his mouth.

"Yeah, sorry just thinking," I answered and signaled to the waitress that I wanted another cup of coffee.

She smiled and laughed, "You looked like you were on autopilot for a while. Everything okay?"

"It will be. You excited for the drive-in tonight?" I changed the subject.

She noticed, but moved on, "Oh yeah! I can't wait to watch movies with you. This place is great!"

"Who am I gonna sit with? I hope not third wheeling it with you both. No offense," Hunt asked and pinched Gules' cheek.

Gules scrunched her face and went to bite Hunter's hand.

"She's feisty," Hunt noted and Gules' giggled.

Since she was sitting on my side, I put my arm around her and kissed her head.

"Just the way I like 'em. So who are you inviting for Hunter?" I asked her curiously.

"Well it all depends on which one can stand him," she teased and added, "My older sister Sophia and my cousins Alex and Quinn. There are many descriptive adjectives I could list, but I think I'll let you guys come up with them when you meet. I love them so much. You will too. Just a warning, tell Razor to fuck off. After his stunt, I don't want him near them, although they can take care of themselves," Gules explained.

"Interesting, well if they are as beautiful as you then I think we're all in trouble," I teased.

She playfully slapped my arm and said, "Down boy!"

Hunt's eyes lit up with excitement and got up, "Okay then we better go get ready and be presentable for later. Gules I can't wait to meet your family."

"Oh man, Hunt don't over do it. Just be cool man," I instructed him and got cash out to pay for the bill.

Of course Gules took half of the cash I put down to hand back to me. She paid the other half of course since she couldn't let me pay for her. She's definitely not like these gold diggers trying to come after us wrestlers all the time.

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