Chapter 19- His T-Shirt

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Gules' POV

My eyes opened to almost complete darkness. I didn't recognize my surroundings at all and frankly it made me panic so I let out a scream.

That signaled the other two bodies in the room to shoot up and flounder on the bed. My memories of the night before game to me slowly and I recalled talking with Shawn and we must have passed out. Obviously he always rooms with Hunter so I realized he was the other body.

As they scrambled, the body next to me grabbed my forearm, "Gules?? What's going on? Are you okay?"

"Shawn? Hunter?" I confirmed just for the hell of it.

"Yes," they said in unison.

I let out a sigh and Shawn came to sit up next to me to hold me.

"I'm sorry guys I didn't mean to scare you awake. I just didn't know where the hell I was," I apologized.

Hunter sleepily said, "Don't worry Gules. We should probably get up anyway."

Shawn turned on the lamp beside his bed to illuminate the room.

I looked over at the clock and it read 10:00AM. I didn't have anything to do since it was a Saturday. No school and no cafe. My aunt and I spoke about taking a week off so I didn't have to return until next week. What worried me was not my responsibilities. I was in Shawn's hotel room and people would think we slept together.

The clothes I slept in would be the clothes that I would have to leave in. When I left this room, people would totally think I'm doing the walk of shame. Internally the gears were turning and my thoughts were running a mile a minute. Also, what happened to Jake last night? I hope he got home safely. I trusted that he did, but I was too worried about what people would think of me if they saw me walk out of Shawn's room. Just another girl he slept with? Another girl sucked into his spell?

My anxieties were interrupted by Shawn placing his hands on my face and asking, "Hello earth to Gules. Are you okay sweetheart?"

I looked at his face to say, "I don't know Shawn, I'm worried."  I put my hands over his and leaned to put my forehead onto his shoulder. He began to rub my back gently.

My brows furrowed and my stomach was in knots. Hunter sat up on his bed to look at me.

"Gules, why are you worried? Shawn you said you didn't have sex! Are you pregnant?" Hunter shot an accusing look at Shawn.

"No man, what the fuck!" Shawn said annoyed.

I got up to sit next to Hunter and explain, "That's what worries me. No I'm not pregnant unless it was immaculate conception and I doubt Shawn's sperm is that fucking persistent."

Shawn let out a small chuckle and so did Hunt. It made me feel a little better to joke around, but I continued, "I'm worried that, because I stayed in here last night, people will think we actually had sex and think I'm a slut. Just another girl that HBK slept with."

I looked next to me at Hunter and he just put an arm around me, then got his other free hand to rest my head onto his shoulder. His head leaned onto the top of mine and he just cradled my head.

I felt very safe. Hunter and I had really hit it off and he reminded me of a big brother.

"Gules, you didn't sleep with Shawn so I wouldn't worry about it. Who cares what the other guys think anyway? If they said anything, I'd confirm the truth. I'll protect your honor," Hunt soothed me.

I turned my head to look up at him and I thought rationally, "I guess you're right Hunt, I mean what can I really do about what people think anyway? I still hate the fact that people might get the wrong idea. It's just hard to let go of you're own narrative. Letting go is hard for me."

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