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Jazmin hurriedly made her way through the secret passages scattered throughout the Red Keep, a piece of parchment tucked in the folds of her skirt. She knew the halls would be empty and quiet as everyone awaited the inevitable news of the king's passing, but she didn't want to risk encountering anyone. It was important she delivered the message before the inevitable chaos that would occur once the king passed.

In the brief moment of consciousness, Jericho was able to regain he had all but begged her to deliver a letter to Sansa Stark's maid. Jazmin had almost declined his request, not wanting the prince to have any association with the Starks or their people for his safety, but the look of panic and desperation in his eyes had convinced her to do what he asked.

The prince had only been awake long enough to write the letter before collapsing into restless sleep he had been in for hours now. She had informed the other servants of his condition and to get the maester. It wasn't long after that she had left him, whispering words of assurance into his ear wanting Jericho to leave the rest to her even though she knew he wouldn't hear her.

Stepping out of a hidden passage, Jazmin scanned the area around her, making sure to keep an eye out for anyone who might see her near the Stark's quarters. She didn't know what was going on between House Stark and Lannister, but the last thing she wanted was for someone to assume she was in cahoots with them. Jazmine knew that if she were caught, she would be questioned, but that wasn't what scared her because if it really came down to it, Jazmin knew she would be able to keep all the secrets she held to her very last breath.

What truly worried her was the fragile state the prince was currently in and how it would affect him if she were caught and thrown in the dungeons while being interrogated for any sort of treason. Jazmin didn't think Jericho would be able to handle any more stressful situations or losses. She knew he was a fragile boy at heart, for she was the one who had taught him how to hide his heat from the world for his own safety, knowing that if he didn't, he wouldn't survive long in the cruel world they lived in.

"Pardon me, may I help you?" An authoritative voice asked suddenly, causing Jazmin to stiffen in panic. 

Jazmin had barely stepped foot in the Starks quarters and had already been caught. She knew there was no possibility of someone finding her, especially when she was taking such care of her movements, but here she was caught in the act, something that had never happened to her. When she turned to the sound of the voice, Jazmin was faced with the dark eyes of a predator. The person before her was no ordinary girl. She was a beast, one disguised in the form of a servant girl with neat clothes and not a hair out of place.

This was Aurora.

"You must be the wolf," Jazmin spoke, keeping her voice steady but subtly moving her eyes, ensuring she could escape if needed. It had been a long time since Jazmin had felt the need to fly away, and she remembered how much she hated it.

"And you must be the prey," Aurora said with a glint in her eyes. She was strong. There was no doubt about that as she carried herself in a way that commanded respect and authority, but Jazmin wasn't one of her own, and she wasn't going to bow to the power the girl was radiating.

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