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The day for the king and his family to leave finally came, causing everyone in Winterfell to move with purpose as they prepared for the royal family's departure. Jericho could honestly say he was sad to leave, having made good memories in the North and the people living there. The young man had decided to take a walk before joining his family for breakfast, enjoying the calm, cold morning Winterfell had to offer one last time. He had a feeling he wouldn't be visiting the North in a long time; he wasn't sure why but the feeling had gotten stronger with each passing day.

As Jericho admired a beautiful bouquet of blue roses a maid had been carrying, he was suddenly yanked away, causing him to turn, prepared to protest until he realized it was Joffrey. He knew better than to object, it would only cause Joffrey to throw an embarrassing tantrum.

"Where are we going, brother?" Jericho asked as Joffrey smirked wickedly at him.

"Mother sent me to search for our uncle." Joffrey told him with a smile.

Jericho would have loved nothing more than to walk away and go about his morning, but there was no way Joffrey would allow that now that he had been caught by the blonde. That didn't mean Jericho would go along without protest.

"And what does that have to do with me?" He asked, giving the boy a look.

"Does it matter?" The boy asked, his tone indicating the end of their discussion before walking away, which led the two brothers to stand in front of a pen filled with dogs while their uncle slept soundly between them.

"Better-looking bitches than you're used to, Uncle. My mother's been looking for you. We ride for King's Landing today." Joffrey spoke loudly without care. Jericho stood beside Sandor, the two standing in silence as they watched Joffrey taunt the sleeping man until he woke.

Tyrion staggered to his feet, "Before you go, you will call on Lord and Lady Stark and offer your sympathies."

"He's speaking to you, brother." Jericho commented, leaning over the pen to pet one of the dogs smiling as the dog nuzzled into his hand.

"Huh?! How do you know he wasn't speaking of you?" The blonde asked, giving his brother an unhappy look.

"Out of the two of us, I am the one who takes our duties seriously, and I offered my sympathies long ago."

"Jericho is correct, I was talking to you." Tyrion spoke up, pointing at the blonde. Joffrey let out an annoyed whine causing Jericho's lips to curve into a smile.

"What good will my sympathies do them?" Joffrey asked, crossing his arms in annoyance.

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