Chapter One - Party

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Tw: Gay, NSFW, Sex, bj, kissing, boys, open relationship, straight, don't cancel me, it's lesbiphobic and illegal, very good, hard to write, give tips pls
Reminder, they are drunk! (You can skip this chapter but it's like really good ;-;)

— Kazuha POV :3
(I'm high as balls and I need to par-tayyy 💅💅)

It's 8:00, and I'm too sober to be at this lame ass party.. Then again, I probably shouldn't have shown up so early, I mean the party starts at nine for fucks sake. People show up in small groups, but I don't see anyone that seems interesting, all the interesting people show up late, or when the party actually starts, but there's really no time on when a party "starts". I grab a drink and go outside, sitting next to a tree and pull out a lighter, then start smoking a bunt, this sounds really depressing. After a little while more people start to show up so I decide to go inside and try to find who I hope is here, Heizou.

After searching for what feels like hours, I finally find Heizou, who's making out with a Proffessor, Albedo, all though it sounds weird it's literally fine, Heizou is the same age as Albedo. Then suddenly, Albedo pulls away from the kiss and begins to "yell" at a kid, telling him to go home and study because he's failing his class, that's when Heizou turns around and sees me.

Heizou throws his arms around me, he's already wasted, but then again, so am I. Heizou's hand moves up my shirt, and he's getting closer and closer to me.... Oh my God, we're close friends but I didn't think we were this close. This is the first time I've seen my best friend of ten years act this way, well towards me at least. His lips are inches from mine, his breath is heavy and smells like beer, I blink and the next thing I know we're against the wall making out. Woah. His lips are soft on mine, his hands are traveling around my torso, touching everything, his hands are really cold.

He pulls away, moving his hands from my chest to my hand. He began to walk upstairs, dragging me along as he knocks on doors to see if the room is occupied or not, when he gets to a room that's not in use, he walks in and shuts the door, locking it behind him. I'm just watching him, was he always this pretty? Or at least this slutty? I think as he's locking the door he's asking me if I'm okay with this, the only thing I do in response is nod and say 'mhm'. I'm too high to function apparently.

Heizou moves away from the door and closer to me, he stands in front of me and I sit on the bed. His leg is inbetween mine, he grabs my face and resumes making out with me. This time, more passionate then the last. His hands, still as cold as ice are on my back, he begins to take my shirt off, I let him, I genuinely have no clue where this is going. His hands are now on the zipper of my jeans, I'm just now realizing that I'm hard, how long have I been hard? Heizou pulls away and backs up a little, lowering his head, he looks away, his hands still on me. This time, I grab his face, and begin to kiss him.

We made out for what feels like forever, but we were interrupted by a knock on the door, Heizou and I were laying on the bed, I'm still naked and he has no shirt.. Heizou stays quiet, and so do I. The person knocks again, this time a little more aggressive, we stay quiet, then a third knock followed by a voice, a female's voice, I look at Heizou and he goes pale, quickly putting his shirt on and hiding me as he walks over to the door to unlock it.

When he opens the door whoever it was walks in, her footsteps sounding calm. She asks him when he wanted to be picked up because she was leaving. Heizou replied in a tone that's somewhat nervous, but calm, telling her that he would text her. The girl walked out afterwards, I'm not sure if she replied to him or not, but Heizou shut the door and locked it again.

"Okay, you're fine, Kazuha.." Heizou said, his tone, relieved. He lays back down on the bed, and I move the covers, he looks at me and gets closer, his shirt was buttoned improperly, so I begin to unbutton it completely. He smiles and begins to kiss me again, his hands are on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

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