26. Not Yet

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I tell the driver to stop at the next village. It's dark so it should be easy.

Thora is so interested. "So is it easier to get men in the dark or light princess?"

"Dark. I think it's because the good men sleep then. So all the liars come out. But I can usually find them either way."

"What's the hardest part of it all?"

"Tonight it's going to be keeping Dipak from using his sword on all of them." He starts laughing.

"The hardest part is when you see someone that reminds you of someone you love. You know it's not them. But it gets confusing. And after you kill them, it can get really emotional." I just stare at the floor when I say it.

She nods. "So did you do it for fun or just for blood?"

"Blood. I never killed for fun. It's either blood or they are trying to hurt me. I don't find the killing fun. It's more it relieves the stress for me." I look at her and smile. "We all have our ways. That and I really can't get animals. I am terrible at hunting. I chased a bunny around for like 5 hours one day. And another time I caught something and it turned around and tried to bite me. So I just threw it."

They both laugh as the carriage comes to a stop.

I smile. It's been so long since I've done this.

"Dipak try to stay in the shadows please. Thora if you just want to watch this one, then stay with Dipak so he's not trying to watch us both in different spots. Don't want to cause the poor man to die."

"Of course."

I rub some dirt on my dress and legs. I rip the sleeve of one of my arms.

I look at Dipak and he winks at me. I give him a smile and walk to the middle of the town road. Takes about 2 minutes before a man walks up to me.

"Hey pretty girl." Oh I've heard that so many times.

"Hi I'm passing through. Looking for a place to sleep. I have no money. Do you know anyone who would help me. Or a place I can stay for free?"

"You can stay with me pretty one."

"Is it far? I'm kind of weak."

"No it's just right over here. I got some food you have too. We'll get you something to eat. A nice bed to sleep in."

I smile at him and take his arm.

He walks me to his door and unlocks it. We barely get in and he moves my hair and starts kissing my neck.

I turn around and he picks me up. I wrap my legs around him and he drops on top of me on his couch. He goes to kiss me and I break his neck. I drink from him while he lays on me. Thora and Dipak are in the house before I can even finish filling up.

I hold out my finger so Dipak don't take him off me yet. Then I start wiggling around and Dipak picks him up with 1 arm and latches on to his throat too. Then he holds him up for Thora.

Thora looks at me in shock. "Princess. Your dad would lock you in a tower and never let you out again. That was so..." I raise my eyebrows. "HOT!" Dipak snorts. "And it only took you like 5 minutes total."

"Yea I've gotten kind of good at it really. At first it took longer."

"Ok I want to do one now." Me and Dipak just look at each other.

I look at Thora. "Just play innocent and lost. Needing food and a place to sleep for free. You are wondering if they know anyone. They will invite you back to their bed," I laugh. "Rather quickly."

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