Chapter 2

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Himari looked at them in shock.

Shoto and Natsuo look at her, their expressions going from surprise to happiness.

"Himari? I thought...I thought you were gone all this time, we all thought you were... missing!" Shoto exclaimed.

Natsuo's eyes were filled with tears, and he rushed to hug Himari.

Himari was tense at first when he suddenly hugged her. Her body was warm from just performing. She had mixed feelings about all this. 

Sure, she loved her siblings and missed them, but the last thing she wanted was for another person to try to drag her away from her dreams. After Touya 'died', Himari was always doing tougher training than before, and was always in pain. She had stepped up to protect her elder half-siblings from their father wince the eldest, Touya, was gone, even though she was the youngest, and had scars from that, and also from her quirk incompatibility. Her biggest scar being from her left collarbone to her jaw, covering half her neck, from when she protected Shoto from the boiling water from his mother, Himari's step-mother. She wasn't expecting to see them, especially at one of her shows.

"Himari, we- we thought you were missing this whole time... We were all so worried..." Fuyumi said as Shoto hugged Himari tightly, happy to see that she wasn't really gone, "I missed you Himari, please... Please come home... Please..."

"I'm sorry, but I'm never going back there. I missed you guys a lot... but I can't go back..." Her eyelids lowered a bit, but her expression underneath her mask was still soft. Her mask covered the lower half of her face.

"Himari, dad's gotten a lot better I swear, he isn't abusing us anymore... He's actually a decent person now, please, you need to come back, we miss you..." Natsuo told her, trying to convince her.

"Decent?? Hah, like I'll ever believe that someone like him has changed. He never cared. Not about me. Not about you guys. And not about Touya. After Touya died, he didn't care, I'm sure it's the same with me." Himari's eye lids lowered more, and she her look was less soft now.

"Himari please, just come back to us... We all need you..." Shoto started to tear up. "Especially dad... He's gotten a lot better, and he actually does care about our family now..."

"Even if he has changed, that doesn't erase what he did and said to me. I was just his mistake with my mother. The second I see him, I'll be back to training and being forced into UA with Shoto to be a hero. I won't go back to a life where he's forcing me into a future I don't want to be a part of. Never again." Himari said as she took a step back, Ember following her and staying close to her legs, as usual.

"Himari... Dad misses you, we all miss you... You are not a mistake, you are our precious little sister..." Fuyumi insisted.

"He never cared, I was just the result of his affair. I lived in constant pain while with him and your mother, they both hated me, and Dad only saw me as a simple tool to train to surpass him as a hero."

 "But we care about you, you're our sister and we've missed you so much... You were always kind, kind to me, to Shoto, just don't leave us again, please..." Natsuo continued to try to convince her to come home with them.

"I won't leave you three again, but I'm not going home." Himari's eyes were starting to tear up now as well.

"Then can you at least visit us? For our next break could you spend it with us?" Shoto asked her. "Please?"

"I'll think about it... But I'll try.." Himari starts to go back towards the door to the backstage, but stops when she hears Shoto say something. 

"We aren't the only ones who've missed you Hima, Kirishima misses you too..." She heard him say behind her. 

She stopped in her tracks, stunned by the thought of Kirishima. He was her best friend, the only friends who stayed by her side after her old friend, Mina Ashido, had told the entire school about her scars that she hid. She was bullied a lot and got into a lot of fights, and was even told to commit suicide by her at one point. But Kirishima stayed her friend, and stayed by her side. He was her best and only friend... 

Himari looked back at him after a moment, her eyes watering more, and she had a shocked and wide eyed expression, her lower half covered by her mask. She was silent for a moment at the thought of him. Kirishima goes to UA with Shoto now, and they're both in the same class. 

"Kirishima..?" Her voice was quiet and muffled under her mask. It was starting to get stuffy for her to wear.

The Pyro Circus Freak (MHA Todoroki sibling reader x Kirishima fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now