returning home..! _-10-_

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This is an alt chapter, all alt chapters will have a green heart (💚) and the titles will be slightly different, I have made multiple alt chapters and this is the first one to become a real chapter, I am not pleased with how the original chapter played out and I think it was pretty angsty and cringe. So I have made this alt and made it happier .

3rd person pov *currently  focusing on... All characters.)

Robin has put together a plan and is working on setting it in, he's setting it in, vance and bruce are sitting on the bed Arguing about what they think will be the next part in some punky romance show, vance says some dude is going to ... Die? And Bruce is saying the mains are going to have their moment, and realize their in love, its kinda annoying. Finney, having recovered, is sitting in the corner thinking about what he'll do when he's free, maybe him and robin can hang out? Or he could... Uhm... Breathe fresh air? No, he's to going to do something with robin... But what??

Back to Robin's plan, he found out that someone else lives in the house, and they're very carefree, so his plan is to convince them to let him into the house and show them the basement . It's a longshot considering the other person could be the same as the grabber, or they could be the same person. But it also might work. So yeah, he's setting up and practicing.
Oh wait he's going now wtf did I miss- shit balls.

*Robin knocks on the door*
Theres a lot of commotion inside the house before a man in a bath gown opens the door, "uh- hi? Are you selling cookies? I already bought 3 boxes, those kids fucking scammed me."
The man asks his voice is slightly wobbly and his eyes have a small red tint, he must have been doing drugs recently, not that much though.
"Oh yeah, I'm a volunteer, yeah, they want me to check basements? I don't know why it's confusing" robin says, crossing his arms,
"Oh yeah they're always doing that dumb type of shit, come in the basement.. I think it's across from the kitchen?" He walks into the house robin following behind.
"Ah this door here" he pulls the door, but it stays shut. "Fuck it's heavy. Can you help kid?" He says pulling harder, "yeah" robin grabs onto the door knob as well and the pull it with all their might, the door swings open sending the two to the floor. "Ah fuck shit-!?"  The man yells from the floor. Robin stands and dusts himself off. "Can I go down there or do I have to wait for you?" He asks impatiently, "I'm coming wait a second" he takes about a minute to lift himself up then walks over to the door and walks down the steps. Robin follows behind him, making sure to prop open the basement door.

They head down the stairs and arrive in front of the basement door, "can you open it?" Robin asks turning to the man, he steps forward "yeah- totally-"  and opens the door (with a lot of struggling). Once he opens it he looks in, gaping, "WHAT- I KNEW HE WAS HIDING SOMETHING!" he says loudly, Vance and Bruce quickly run out, and robin pulls finney up with him then runs. The man simply stands there in pure shock before shutting the door and running away. All of them (+the man) run far, far, away from the house and to safer places.

(Sorry for the short chapter! I wanted to get this out quickly since it was a rewrite)

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