robin _-1-_

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A/n uhm so it's 7 am and I still haven't slept, so my brain is not working well. Sorry for grammar mistakes or any weird plot, I'm trying-

September 28th, 1977

Finney's pov:
It was the first day of school, which is usually kind of depressing. Anyways it's 7:10 and me and Gwen will need to leave soon.
Speak of the devil, gwen seems to be saying something... "Finney!!!!!! Get ready we have to leave idiot!!" Gurl. "Okay!!" I hurry to get ready and throw on some clothes. "Coming Gwen!"

*At school* "uhhgg I hate school-" I whine "shut up finn, it's fine" Gwen says, clearly annoyed with my dumb whining. "Anyways, do you have any friends?" She asks teasingly. "Maybe- probably not. Okay no. but still..." I say weakly trying to defend the fact that I will have friends, it's just going to take awhile. *Gwen laughs* "yeah. Whatever man." *We separate and head off to our own classes.*
my first class is math, one of my least favorites, luckily i am somehow good at it, so it doesn't matter if i pay attention or whatever. i am just about to fall asleep when something taps my shoulder and a note lands on my desk it reads: 'finn, i need help i'm to dumb for maths :(' -robin
i look behind me and see robin, one of my classmates i am somewhat close too. i sigh and then pull out a tiny piece of paper, then write: 'uhm sure, what are you struggling on?' -finn
*i pass the note back to robin, he takes it and reads it eagerly* after reading it he passes me a note that reads: 'thank youuu! i'll tell you after school, would you be able to come over?' -robin.
i think for a second, and then write a note in return: 'okay, i think that'l be fine' -finn
we continue passing notes back and forth, exchanging drawings as well as having a few small conversations. once we take a lunch break i approach robin, "hey Robin do you want to talk about that math now?" i ask after i had hunted him down in the hallway. "huh?" "ohh finn it's you!" i laugh a bit "haha, hello there robin." "hello there mi amor" he responds jokingly. anyway we joke for awhile, then he tells me about what he was struggling with. apparently the things i mentioned that he DID recognize he was bad at, although he didn't even know what about 8 of the other things i mentioned were. "okay well.. uh- maybe you should just give up on math, it is definitely not your strong suit." i say mockingly. "well at leat i can defend myself dumb dumb" he says poking my arm. i laugh, i am strangely weak if i was in a life or death situation i would probably die, or get the uh less than ideal ending. "anyways, them bullies been bothering you lately?" he asks, "maybe?" i respond, i know more than well that he would beat them up if i said yes, he is nice that way. "and what does that mean?" he asks, clearly knowing the answer, "uhhh yeah, but like when do they not bother me?"
robin laughs. " yeah whatever man." we spend our whole lunch period goofing off and getting to know each other. it was a lot of fun talking to him, it felt oddly comforting to be around him, but he protected me, and was fun, so it didn't really chance anything with me and him.

A/n yoo! i wanted to get this to 600 words :) anyways what did you think of the new chapter?

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